The Wave
The Wave
| 18 March 2008 (USA)
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A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Lawbolisted Powerful
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
cosovicbak Die Welle is a great, entertaining flick with a decent script, good acting, and, most importantly, a great message. We tend to forget that Germans weren't bloodthirsty beasts before the Hitler's reign, and that we could all easily fall in the sugarcoated trap of autocracy.I disagree with the claim that all the characters were stereotypical, but the problem I had with this movie is that everything happened over the course of one week. That's too fast if you ask me, and I doubt you could turn a bunch of teenagers into fanatics for such a short time. I consider it a solid picture worth seeing nonetheless.
Timur Zhabbarov If you ever faced the crowd you know how it feels being in control, being heard, being significant. But you might not get from the very beginning that this power comes with corresponding responsibility. Not only for the knowledge of the group, skills or proper understanding, but for the behavior, and ultimately - for their lives. Even clear and presumably right intention can lead to an unpredictable result.Which happened to Rainer Wenger (Jürgen Vogel), high-school teacher assigned with an ordinary theme for project – autocracy, who decided to launch a week-long play, inviting class to implement basic dictatorship principals. Brilliant play of Frederick Lau (as Tim), Max Riemelt (as Marco) and Jennifer Ulrich (as Karo) unfolds several scenarios people can perceive and react to new environment.This film sends clear message thereby serving as a manual and reminder for teachers – evaluate risks and keep your eyes on the ball. Always.
santiagocosme More than a great movie, the Wave is a great story. Although it is based on real events, I did my homework and the story of the movie is much older that the film would make you think. It is based on an experiment conducted in 1967 by an American teacher who wanted to demonstrate how easily a movement similar to the Nazis could get ignited again. The movie is socially magnificent. It shows you how a group works and functions in unity under certain circumstances, and how easily individuals lose their ability to think outside the boundaries set by the group they have formed themselves. What I enjoyed is the fact that there was tension throughout, and you kept asking yourself how far would the group go and when the teacher who started it would find himself unable to control the force of the Wave. The Wave may not be the best movie you'll ever see, but it's well worth a watch.
phoenix 2 At a German high school, a new age teacher is trying to make his students understand dictatorship by forming a week long experiment forming a form of dictatorship called die welle, the wave. But as the days past by, the small group grows stronger and bigger, becoming something more than a school project, something that can't be controlled. Strong massages are passed through the movie, without tiring the audience or boring them. The story line is honest and realistic, showing the characters as they are, with their broken families, their problems, their character's weaknesses, explaining at the same time the reasons why the wave had such an impact on them. The thrill grows more intense as the project starts to get over control, however that stops violently with the ending, that grabs the big 10 out of 10 of the film. Some technical weaknesses can be overlooked by the nicely written scenario though and the great performances. So 7 out of 10, because it is a strong movie, but it spoils at the end.