The Video Dead
The Video Dead
R | 06 November 1987 (USA)
The Video Dead Trailers

On a quiet, tree-lined street, an old television set receives a single channel that repeats the same horror film over and over, freeing zombies from the grave to kill.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
gwnightscream This 1987 horror comedy features zombies that are magically transported from a mysterious TV that's a gateway. What can I say? This has a somewhat interesting premise, but doesn't quite deliver. The acting is poor, especially from the teenage boy, the make-up effects aren't that impressive and there's dumb humor most of the time. The film obviously references "Night of the Living Dead," "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Demons 2." You could give this 80's cheesefest a try maybe once if you're into zombie flicks.
MonsterVision99 "The Video Dead" its a very original zombie movie, just when I thought the zombie genre couldn't offer much new to me, I watch this and it amazes me. Too bad it didn't come out in theaters in its original release (but I suppose that being a direct to video movie makes more sense), this movie should have gotten more attention, thank god it became a cult movie over the years.I was somewhat hesitant about watching this, I was expecting something along the lines of "Burial Ground" or "Zombie Holocaust" (and I think those movies are charming in their own way), however, it was better than a cheap Italian zombie flick, don't get me wrong, it was cheap and it had some dull and silly moments but it was mostly a fun time.Overall, a really entertaining movie, it has some good elements and its quite interesting. I think I would have find it a little bit scary if I would have seen this as a child, mainly because of the concept and the ending (endings like that always made me feel uncomfortable and I suppose that's the intention).
timmyross The Video Dead is a film that has always stuck with me. I remember renting it from the video store all the time as a kid, and being completely terrified of the zombies portrayed in the film. I was even scared to venture out into my backyard of a night in fears that The Video Dead zombies would be waiting for me in the dark! Now that I am older, I am nowhere near as terrified, but this movie will always have a strong place in my heart.The story begins with the delivery of an old TV set to famous writer Henry Jordan (Michael St. Michaels , who is puzzled because he has not ordered anything "but pizza in the last six months". However, he accepts it, and that night, he is continually annoyed when the TV keeps automatically turning itself on and showing an old black-and-white horror film called "Zombie Blood Nightmare", which is a seemingly plot less movie about the undead rising from their graves and wandering through fog-covered woods.After turning on a few more times, Henry gets mad and unplugs it. Later that night when he is asleep, the TV again turns on (without being plugged in) and outcome our rotting main villains of the movie......THE VIDEO DEAD! all of whom seem to be their own character like a rotting bride, a James Dean varsity jacket-wearing blue fellow, a curly dark-haired redneck dude dressed in rotting flannels, and the leader of the pack, Jack, who bleeds and drools a lot. During the night, they kill poor old Mr. Jordan while he sleeps.3 months later, two teens move into his old house while their parents are out of the country. They were apparently told nothing of Mr. Jordan's murder. The brother, Jeff (Rocky Duvall)finds the old television set in the attic after being drawn to it by the voice of a mysterious woman (Jennifer Miro) who lives in the TV. Later, he helps his sister Zoe (Roxanna Augesen) get the house in order before Mom and Dad move in. Jeff meets his new neighbor, April(Victoria Bastel) who is walking a poodle for some other neighbors. The dog manages to get away from them and runs off into the woods where he meets Jack! When Jeff and April later find the body of the poodle (who Jeff insists died from a heart attack), Jack follows the couple back to the neighborhood.After a Texan (Sam David McClelland) shows up and warns Jeff about the cursed TV, Jeff meets the mysterious Garbageman (Cliff Watts) after being seduced by The Woman, who turns out to be a zombie in disguise. The Garbageman tells Jeff to put a mirror on the TV to prevent more rotting nasties coming out.Meanwhile, April is leaving for school when Jack arrives in the neighborhood, and has now brought the whole gang along. They enter April's house and begin investigating. April's sleazy father (Garrett Dressler) is in bed upstairs with his much younger maid, Maria (Libby Russler) who awakens to the sounds of the zombies rummaging downstairs. She comes downstairs, only to be confronted and violently strangled by the redneck zombie. During the struggle, she manages to plunge an iron into his head before he breaks her neck, henceforth, he is known as "Ironhead" (and he is my favorite zombie in the film). The zombies then go upstairs to finish off April's Dad, who managed to sleep through all of Maria's desperate cries for help. They quickly kill him and move onto the other neighbors,killing them all in unusual ways, including one victim being thrown upside down inside a washing machine! That night, the news is out about the murders, and the Texas, Joshua, returns to the house. During the night, a zombie kidnaps April, and the following morning, Jeff and Joshua head out into the woods to do battle. However, both are soon killed, and the zombies make their way back to Zoe, who is now the only survivor in the neighborhood. I won't spoil the ending for you, as it is pretty entertaining to watch, and will keep you both amused and scared at the same time.To this day, this is my favorite zombie film. Director and write, Robert Scott, attempted to make the zombie legend a little different that we all know. His zombies don't eat flesh, but rather just kill for the fun of it (which is truly terrifying). I give credit to Mr. Scott for his creative skills, and I think he made a fantastic movie. Some might say that the acting is poor, and in some areas it may well be, but that is half of what makes The Video Dead a classic! It's just a shame Mr. Scott couldn't go on to do a sequel, because I would have loved to have seen another Video Dead film with a bigger budget and follow-up to this original.All-in-all, The Video Dead is a classic to me, and I make sure to watch it AT LEAST a few times a year.
Foreverisacastironmess Why didn't they just name it The TV Dead? That would have been a lot more accurate, there's no video in it.. Okay, this is my third all-time favourite zombie flick, taking pride of place right behind Zombie Flesh Eaters, and Dawn of the Dead. I just love horror films that involve things emerging from the television, it's such a cool creepy idea! It gives me such a chill when the zombie turns and glares evilly right out of the screen... The prologue is so spooky when the ugly grizzled guy keeps turning off the haunted TV but it just keeps turning itself back on when his back is turned. I wish "Zombie Blood Nightmare" were a real picture! His ashen corpse is very eerie with the party stuff all over him. They ~played~ with him, brr.. ::: I love the Garbageman scene - just look at that face! He's like the Old Man of the Sea come to life! That gnarly old man really brought his A-game! The Garbageman's on a roll so ya better listen and listen *good!* Just what the hell was he supposed to be anyway, the guardian of friggin' Dimension X or what!? I find it funny when the dumbass Jeff can't seem to say anything to him that doesn't end with a question mark, and it really slays me how the old buzzard says "A mirrorrr..." as he leaves, like he's trying to be all 'mysterious!' ::: Rocky Duvall.. Wet behind the ears doesn't begin to cover it. His voice was so silly and high-pitched. He also had a kind of lisp that seemed to come and go. His acting skills really did stink, but I just thought he was so funny it didn't matter. He was like an eager puppy! And he still wasn't as bad as the mom from Troll 2. I thought it was a bit of a shocker when his character meets an unexpected and surprisingly brutal demise. I found it a wee bit sad too... ::: A lot of the other reviews Declare that Roxanna Augusen as Zoe was as bad as Duvall, I didn't think so. Yeah, she too was pretty weak for the most part, but I thought she really came into her own when it got to the final act where she's playing it terrified/fake happy hostess for the zombies! That must have been a very interesting task for any actress. And I thought she was excellent in her absolute terror in the chilling closing scene that wraps things up oh so perfectly. All I could remember of this film for years was the scene where she's standing at the front door of the house with the sun setting and she says to the rather confused zombies: "How nice to see you all! Won't you come in?" I don't know why but those lines always stuck with me, so totally bizarre and surreal. Some of the big dialogue scenes, such as the one with Garbageman or when the obnoxious cowboy explains the rules kinda wind up not being as interesting as they should be, and just kind of taper off thanks to a few misplaced words and clunky sentences. It's like someone didn't have a complete grasp of what a screenplay was or something... I can't believe some of the complaints are about the way the zombies look. Are you nuts!? For the time it's got some of the best looking makeup effects going - much more menacing and impressive than the blue-skinned terrors of Dawn of the Dead-forever great and classic creations though they may be. I think that was one of the big problems. It looks like all the money may have gone into those zombies! And about those undead.. Well they weren't strictly the undead at all as such, were they? not in any conventional sense. They were more like malicious ghosts that liked to pathetically pantomime at being alive. That's one of the reasons I love this so much-the 'zombies' are totally unique, and that's something-especially today when you've got absolutely wretched low rent zombie trash endlessly being spewed out by the bucket load. A lot of this film's music is seriously creepy, and helps to set a genuinely nightmarish and unsettling tone of dread. This film deserves..if not respect than a least a little consideration, if only for the mood, makeup effects and perhaps originality. There's something of the old E.C. Comics spirit about it, I think. A real fun mad '80s gem that's best enjoyed with someone, it's got a lot of charm and style. I love it to death, and you can tell they had fun making it. Bye!