The Ten
The Ten
R | 03 August 2007 (USA)
The Ten Trailers

Ten stories, each inspired by one of the ten commandments.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Daniel Dascalu Not much to say, just an ill-made collage that tries to make itself look funny. A wanna-be biblical satire that only reminds you of the excellent "The Life of Brian", it borrows from the absurd-comedy elements the Pythons so wonderfully made use of, but fails badly because of the sheer stupidity of the jokes. I find it obvious that any enjoyable comedy movie has this one thing The Ten lacks: wit. No, you cannot be funny just by being stupid, and no, if you pick a subject like the Ten Commandments to make fun of, it won't compensate.I usually sit-through a movie, no matter how bad it is, and so i did this time as well. My final conclusion was: disgustingly stupid; or, better yet,: I really should tell others not to waste their time on this.
dejan8378 Yeah, lot worst unfortunately, and should writing a review about this movie be a further agony or maybe revenge for the wasted 90 minutes and making a serious damage to the mood? I don't know, the movie is bad beyond imaginable, which with a cast like this you think it's impossible. I mean the actors did a good job, but a scenario, plot or any kind of idea would be welcomed. There are bad movies in which you feel what the director is trying to do but fails, usually partially, sometimes completely, but this time you got no clue what a hell is going on. However in all this madness there are a good jokes I admit, that even made me laugh, that were quite enjoyable, but the lack of taste and direction buries them deep under pile of rubbish.If You want something really good that draws inspiration from the bible, that is inventive, funny, with all the ingredients that lack this mess, check Serbian film "Seven and a Half".
j-lacerra I stuck around for four of the ten 'stories'. I failed to find one iota of humor in any of them. Not even a hint of entertainment! Also, I found the emcee character, and his 'wife', to be dweebie and very annoying. I am truly concerned with our society in knowing that some folks found this despicable mess at all funny. I also worry that there are people who would put up the money to produce this unadulterated trash, and that the performers (some well respected names) would lower themselves to appear in it.Since I only saw about 40% of this disgusting debacle, I can't say it is the worst movie I ever saw, it is merely 40% of the worst movie I ever saw.Run from this toxic waste!
Enchorde Recap: Ten loosely connected, absurd stories based on the ten commandments. Presented by a guy who is in the middle of a separation with his wife.Comments: Utterly pointless. The episodes are absurd and can best be described as silly. Incoherent and mostly plain stupid. But then there is a glimmer of hope when a joke or some completely absurdity actually is a little funny. And that is one of the few strong points it has. It doesn't play by any rules so it is quite unpredictable. But often the unpredictable is just absurd instead of crazy and fun, and even if the intention is good it mostly fails.With this kind of weak story it is very surprising how they managed to get such an impressive cast. Most have only forgettable small roles, almost cameos, and can't do very much to save the movie. But it is kind of a star-spotting.Well, apart from that this was a complete waste of time. Far from the worst I have ever seen, but if I could go back I would see something else. Or nothing at all… 3/10