I Think I Love My Wife
I Think I Love My Wife
R | 07 March 2007 (USA)
I Think I Love My Wife Trailers

Richard Cooper is a married man and father of two who is just plain bored with married life. Not getting any sex from his wife, he resorts to ogling random women on the street to the point that he takes lunch late to look at them. When old crush Nikki Tru visits his office to get a reference letter, she becomes obsessed with Cooper and they begin a complicated relationship.

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ShangLuda Admirable film.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
tbills2 I think Chris Rock is perfectly cast as what's his name in this convincing take on the monotonously married modern man's mind. Try to say that six times fast. I think I love Chris in this, but C Rock seems to think that he's Omar Epps or Taye Diggs the way he's trying to act so suave and handsome-like at times. I think Chris' obviously a good looking guy, but I find his goofy-face acting way more appealing in this than his 'I think I'm Morris Chestnut' tendencies, but what do I know, I'm just attracted to women, like Kerry. I think Kerry Washington's the real treat in I Think I Love My Wife, no, I know she is. Kerry's so bad in her all black sexy white-trimmed underwear and heels, and so insanely hot, and beautiful. You look real good, Kerry, I think. I love Kerry. I'm jealous of Chris Rock. I think I Think I Love My Wife needs way more generous humor in its life and far less ungenerous drama. Where has the spark gone? I think if I was what's his name's wife, what's her name, played by the beautiful Gina Torres, I would tell this Nikki skeez to back up off my man! I think I'd cheat on Gina with Kerry if I was suffering from a dull marital love life with her, no, I know I would. Ladies, better get your men in check! What's his name did the right thing, I think.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain The film is good for the vast majority. It's a rather mature critique of marriage that suggests perhaps marriage isn't for humans. Rock plays a hard working banker in a sexless marriage. The biggest problem here is his wife. She is neither attractive or friendly. I honestly can't see why Rock is with her. This makes it all the more frustrating when Rock meets Kerry Washington. She is so beautiful no man could resist her, especially in the final scenes. The ending is a real cop-out. It suggests that fidelity is almost a curse, but it's better than our protagonist being happy. The fact that the end realisation comes in the form of a very terrible song (WTF?) just makes it even more painful. Would have liked more from Buscemi's character, a man happily married for 17 years, despite his affairs and flings. Worth it just for Washington.
treedptown I have seen worse movies then this before, but all of those movies did not star Chris rock, but rather carrot top. for an amazing comedian like Rock to make such a watered down attempt at romantic comedy, is down right insulting. Chris Rock needs to get back to his roots, because if he stays on the current path, he will turn into carrot top... and no one wants that. This is like George Carlins attempt in the early 90's to have a Fox TV series, the only difference being that Carlin is still funny, while it appears that rock is in the process of completely burning out. in Summation DO NOT WATCH this movie unless you are ready for a horrible letdown.
Panterken It may not be the funniest movie ever but it scores well on a great number of other points. You can count the good romantic comedies on one hand, and I'm glad to say this is one of the better ones. It's not brilliant, but it's certainly enjoyable. The phrase 'pretty good' goes through my mind every time I watch a Chris Rock movie and so it was in this case too. A bit cliché at times, but never over-the-edge. Buscemi has a great character, the completely amoral SOB who's still a good guy deep inside. He pulls it off, though I don't know if he should do this kind of movies too often. He works better in black comedies IMO. Chris Rock is not the greatest actor of all time, in fact he seems to play pretty much the same character every time. The humor is (almost) never too low-brow, and for that the movie deserves praise. Not the best of movies, but one of the better of the genre, I Think I Love My Wife deserves a watch.