The Stöned Age
The Stöned Age
R | 05 December 1994 (USA)
The Stöned Age Trailers

Determined to avoid another night of driving aimlessly around Torrance in the Blue Torpedo, Joe and Hubbs set out on a quest for fine chicks. Their paths soon cross with Tack, from whom they learn about a pair of foreign radical chicks hanging out near the Frankie Avalon place. Over Joe's objections, Hubbs worms Tack out of the deal, and the pair take a slow ride toward their destiny.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
The-Plague 'The Stoned Age,' which seems to be set in the early 1980′s, depicts one night in the lives of two high school burn outs in suburban California. These two friends, Joe (Michael Kopelow) and Hubbs (Bradford Tatum) attempt to avoid a night of driving around aimlessly by heading to the beach in search of some "fine chicks." Although they heard about these girls from Tack (Clifton Collins Jr.), who is relatively harmless, they might indeed have been first spotted by someone else, a guy that no one should make angry.This movie was released in 1994, one year after 'Dazed and Confused,' and the two have been compared ever since. Unfortunately, the writer and director of 'The Stoned Age' tried to hold out for more money, and the project was nearly scrapped altogether. This lead to a lack of funding for a large commercial release, so it ended up being much less well known than it's predecessor. I originally saw the movie in the mid 90′s on the USA network's UP ALL Night, and later bought a copy of the DVD for myself.The soundtrack, which is definitely worth mentioning, is full of classic hits, mainly Blue Oyster Cult. Some of the songs, Don't Fear the Reaper in particular, repeat throughout the movie and eventually become an important to the storyline. The song itself becomes a huge metaphor for Joe's life and helps him come to a major realization giving his character more depth.'The Stoned Age' is one of those movies that I can watch a million times and still enjoy. Although there are only a handful of memorable characters in the movie, each is unique and brings something to the page. Hubbs and Joe have an interesting relationship, Hubbs being the leader and Joe his reluctant sidekick. They differ in music taste and morals, but they sure do have the same taste in women. Their relationship changes throughout the movie taking them from simple stereotypical 80′s burn outs to people whom any audience can relate.While this movie has been known to spark some feelings of 80′s nostalgia (from what I've read, I wasn't born during that time), it also depicts something we can all relate to, that perfect night. Similar to 'Dazed and Confused,' this movie is set in a one day/night time span, and by the time the credits are rolling the viewers find themselves asking, "Damn, why can't I have a night like that?!" By the end of the movie you are the third guy in the car with Joe and Hubbs looking forward to cruising around with them next weekend.
blackknight273 It's sad that many people who commented on this gem, either didn't get it, nitpick over it's faults (yes they are there but all movies have them), or want to compare it to Dazed and Confused. They are two different movies altogether. For one the kids in Dazed and Confused were essentially the 10% - rich, athletic, and popular kids in school partying it up. Then of course there was the rest of us.If you were an average teen in the late 70's or early 80's, driving, drinking, and smoking whatever you could afford then you got this movie for sure. Smoking skank weed out of a crushed Shlitz Malt Liquor tall can - been there, did it. Driving a vehicle that was a barely moving invitation for the cops to bust you (try a brush painted green Chevy Luv pickup for nasty)- did that too. Getting wasted and crashing the rich kid/jock kegger with your friends - did that more times than I can count.I especially liked how the writer/director portrayed Joe and Hubbs - for once long haired, hard rock listening, beer swilling, stoners weren't turned into violent sociopaths. There was no nannying Lifetime style message about drug and alcohol use. These were good kids, who while on the wild side, would more than likely grow up to be pretty responsible adults - like most of us did.It's sad there was never a follow up to this one. I liked the characters enough that seeing them in later years (can you picture both Joe and Hubbs being the father character, dealing with the hip hop listening punks of today - I could)would surely be worth seeing.This a great, nearly forgotten gem that deserves the 10 I gave it. Crack open a tall OX 45, light up some lumbo and enjoy
pmdawn The title of this movie is a bit misleading. There is only one true stoner character in this movie - Joe - and he is the unlikely star of the movie. I just wanted to make this clear, that this not a stoner movie in the traditional sense. However, there IS a reason for the title, and that is a pun on "The Stone Age" - the characters here basically behave like cavemen in anarchy, using their animal instincts rather than reason, without adults around. This is about two friends that are 'cruising' around town trying to find some chicks. Meanwhile, there's their 'friend' Tack, who tells them where to find the chicks, but is kicked out of the fun because of the 'ratio' (too many guys for just two 'chicks'). So he enlists an army of retards who just want to drink and get laid. Confusion ensues and it's all in one night. That's it, that's the whole plot right there. So instead of a stoner movie, this more of an "all-nighter" movie.There are a few elements that make this movie stand out from the rest. Many jokes are repeated, making it a very quotable movie. And in spite of its silliness, The Stoned Age is surprisingly memorable. The 'Eye', the 'Ratio', the 'Submarine', the Cop, all of them are worthy of cult status. BTW, the movie looks just like it was shot in the early eighties - I was surprised to find that it was released in 94.However, at times it gets too silly and uneven. I felt like I was watching a drama instead of a comedy. Lots of swearing too, but that's to be expected.Joe is your decent sensitive stoner and he is the real star of the movie. He is extremely likable, but somehow always ends getting screwed in one way or another. What happens to him through the night is surprisingly realistic, and dare I say, depressing. Hubbs just wants to get laid. Tack provides some laughs, but he's no McLovin.I think this movie is closer to the likes of "Superbad in the 80's" than to "Dazed and Confused". However this is much inferior to both, despite its good intentions. I give it a 6, but don't be fooled - I really think this is more of a dramatic movie with comedy elements.
mbrown986 This is my fav movie, every person in this movie is cool. I wish some day that a sequal will be made, who ever made this movie should of won some kind of award,I think this movie doesn't get the credit it deserves for being one of the best films ever. It is sad that every movie now has either some fake rapper or a billion dollar budget, blue oyster cult is way cooler then nelly or emenim and colt 45 is way cooler then smirnof ice,I'm only 18 but I have way more respect for this generation then my own.