The Strange World of Planet X
The Strange World of Planet X
NR | 07 July 1958 (USA)
The Strange World of Planet X Trailers

Near a small English village, a scientific team is conducting experiments with magnetic fields, the results of which may have military applications but the intensification of which seem to be connected to UFO reports, a series of murders, an enormous insect egg, and a strange visitor with exceptional scientific knowledge.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- The Cosmic Monster "The Strange World of Planet X" , 1958. Two research scientists n magnetic fields discovers a way to change the molecular structure of some metals used in defense sensitive projects. They don't know their experiments are endangering the planet's existence and turn insects into giants. A mystery man appears on the scene to warn & help them.*Special Stars- Forrest Tucker, Gaby Andre'.*Theme- Teamwork can solve anything.*Trivia/location/goofs- British sci-fi cinema. Black & White. Hammer films production. Watch for the "giant" insect varieties: cockroach, cricket, centipede, mayfly, salamander and spider.*Emotion- Starts out as a pedestrian film plot but due to some interesting small plot twists with close-up shots of warring bugs, the film redeems itself to the viewing audience.*Based On- Historic post WW2 50's atomic fears.
utgard14 In a small lab in rural England, three scientists work on experiments involving magnetism. There's British Dr. Laird (Alec Mango), American Gil Graham (Forrest Tucker), and French Michele Dupont (a badly-dubbed Gaby André ). A mysterious stranger named Smith (Martin Benson) shows up and warns them about their experiments. He turns out to be right because the experiments have had unpredictable results, including releasing giant bugs on the English countryside.Not bad but not great sci-fi movie from across the pond. Most of the special effects are admittedly pretty lousy. Still, it's far better than its reputation. The romance between Tucker and André is nauseating. The overt sexism is pretty amusing, though. My favorite scene is when Smith first appears to a little girl in the woods. There's some funny dialogue there.
Michael_Elliott Strange World of Planet X, The (1958) * 1/2 (out of 4) Released in America as THE COSMIC MONSTER, this British flick is best remembered for being the country's only "giant bug" movie and we should all be thankful that they didn't make others. Dr. Laird (Alec Mango) and his assistant Gil Graham (Forrest Tucker) are experimenting with cosmic rays when they accidentally rip a hole in the ionosphere. Their mistake causes a hobo to turn into a raving maniac and we also get some insects who grow to large sizes and start attacking. Actually trying to think of the various logic problems in this film would be pointless but I was curious why only the hobo became a raging maniac considering countless people saw the "issue" that caused his transformation. I was also curious why the British thought it would be a good idea to make a "giant bug" movie and keep the bugs away until the 60-minute mark, which meant the viewer only gets fifteen-minutes worth of actual monster footage. There's really not much that makes sense here and perhaps that's a good thing because the film is so deadly dull and boring that we should all be thankful that they didn't try to explain anything else because that would have meant a longer running time. There's really not too many good things you could say about this dud because everything is bad, bad, bad. We can start off with the performances, which are beyond horrible and they're just as bad as anything you've seen in an Ed Wood or Al Adamson picture. The truly horrible performance goes to Gaby Andre who plays the love interest. She is suppose to be playing a French girl but her accent is constantly going in and out and there were several times where it seemed like we got three or four accents in one little sentence. Another problem is that her acting range isn't all that high and especially when she struggles to get through a single line. Mango plays the mad scientist who never goes mad and just comes off as boring. Tucker, who showed how good he could be in the genre film THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN, sleepwalks through this film and it really does appear as if he's embarrassed by this thing. The special effects are just as bad as any of the American "bug" movies and not for a second will you believe anything you're seeing. The giant lizard is probably the funniest of the bunch and it's certainly not good when you're laughing at the things that are suppose to be scaring you.
preppy-3 I saw this under the title "The Cosmic Monsters". Silly movie about a scientist named Dr. Laird (Alec Mango), his assistant Gil Graham (Forrest Tucker) and obligatory love interest Michele Dupont (Gaby Andre) developing a machine that makes metal bend...or something like that (I was too bored to pay attention). Because of this machine they unwittingly open a hole in the ionosphere covering the Earth that lets in rays that turn humans into maniacs and makes small animals larger.Very dull with virtually nothing happening until the final 20 minutes when the animals attack. All talk, talk, talk full of boring science dialogue and pretty bad acting too. The special effects are terrible too--the scenes with the large insects are laughably fake. One purportedly gruesome scene--an insect biting off some of the face of a dead soldier--doesn't work at all because the soldier is so obviously a dummy! Boring, by the numbers, low budget sci-fi movie. You can safely skip this one.