Evil Alien Conquerors
Evil Alien Conquerors
| 03 December 2003 (USA)
Evil Alien Conquerors Trailers

Inept beings from the planet Kabijj land on Earth and attempt to behead all of its beings and take over the planet

Wordiezett So much average
Micitype Pretty Good
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Nick Damian I bought it. I have to admit that.Why? Don't know...probably I was drunk, stoned or a combination of both.Maybe i was desperate to put another movie on my shelf - 5000 is not enough yet. Anyways I own it - sad as that may be.The funny disappears in the first 3 minutes and for the rest of the time it's just burning itself out.The budget lists this flop as 500 000 dollars, but seriously - how can this even come close to anything of that budget? This at best is a camcorder movie with a cast of characters that should not have been paid for their efforts.Bad does not describe this - because bad still has some sort of potential.Downright awful is what this movie is - and sadly, with so many other - even those done with bigger budgets, this is just a waste of time for anything more than 3 minutes.I've seen grade 2 school plays which had better performances and a better production value than this has.The director, writer, producer and actors and everybody else involved should be crucified for their sins by watching this on an endless loop for the rest of their lives.They of course will want to kill themselves for that reason and no doubt that should you sit through anything more than 3 minutes, will you want to do the same.For real entertainment, fill your time with building a house out of icing sugar in the rain.
Scott_Mercer No, dude, you're actually about 5 foot 6 and shorter than almost every other person you run into...ah...do you not get that? I guess that's why this movie is "funny." Okay, enough snark. This movie actually is funny, if you like stupid, annoying humor. It comes at you full throttle with an absurd premise and distractingly low production values. Seriously, what was the budget on this thing? It looked like a film school production, to be honest. That low.Two aliens come to earth with orders to behead the entire human race. It becomes clear pretty fast that they have vastly overestimated their prowess and vastly underestimated the resources needed to accomplish their task. Oh well, it's all good actually, because they decide that Earth is a pretty cool place, loaded with fast food, Smirnoff Ice, extremely entertaining infomercials and the genius of Supertramp.Dedrich Bader and Chris Parnell go through the whole movie in footy pajamas, people. Footy freaking pajamas. And so does the "giant" from their alien world, come to make sure they have taken over Earth, CROKER, who is actually shorter than both of them. Nevertheless, he keeps screaming about the fact that he is 100 feet tall and is going to crush everyone with his giant feet. He also wears footy pajamas. Purple ones.If this sounds like your cup of tea, your showcase of all-out idiocy, then be sure to check it out. Or if you like the idea of Dedrich Bader and Chris Parnell running through some deserted suburban town at night in footy pajamas, then by all means, 90 minutes of your life is just waiting to be expended. Really stupid, but I guess in this case that is not an insult.
dantown This movie has a lot of promise. It failed. I love a movie where Tori Spelling just looks beautiful, yet does not speak. She is so magnetically attractive. Yet---she speaks. Speaking is a bad habit for little old Tori. I guess Tori Spelling is the female version of Tom Cruise. This movie is a sorry mess, where an actor who just yells is given more than twenty minutes of screen time: namely Croaker. The lead actor, what's his name, the loser/fry cook, is actually interesting. Also, Dietrich Bader, provides acting ability, otherwise absent from this movie. Bader is far superior to this mess. This is a goofy movie that fails to be goofy. It is a failure. Michael Weston, the fry cook/loser, is acceptably good enough as the 20-something guy. The amateur acting throughout this film is not acceptable. This kind of movie-making actually vaulted the series Star Trek to fame. I am cool with that.
dynamicdavegoldberg This is the dumbest most useless movie ever! Its almost like the script came from toilet paper some guy used in a stall. It was so unfunny it was uncomfortable to watch. It is the complete anti-thesis of entertainment. I have seen better productions in college and on cable access. Just absolutely awful all the way. There is nothing redeemable from this movie. This quite simply has to be the most moronic film to ever hit the planet.The dialog was useless and did not ever look realistic. Its as if the actors are reading in monotone off of a cue card. The acting was deplorable. It should be viewed at acting school as what not to do. I think all together it is a pure waste of film, waste of space and waste of time in video store or cable station in the universe!