The Speed Kings
The Speed Kings
NR | 30 October 1913 (USA)

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Race-car drivers pursue Mabel Normand, whose father has a clear favorite.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
silentmoviefan As a racing fan, I really, really loved this movie! The reason? Besides Mabel Normand looking especially beautiful in this film, is the presence of racing drivers "Terrible" Teddy Tetzlaff, Earl Cooper and Barney Oldfield.Mabel likes Tetzlaff (who I'll bet really enjoyed this role, I would have!) while her father, played by Ford Sterling, prefers she marry Cooper. Oldfield, probably a bigger name than both of them at the time, is in one shot, but it was neat to see him behind the wheel of a vehicle.Ford doesn't want Teddy to win the race, so that his daughter might not favor him, so he damages Teddy's engine.The race unfolds, Teddy's car breaks down (due to Ford's deviltry) and Cooper drives to victory.Before the race is over, Mabel interferes with the starter, played by Fatty Arbuckle. Fatty gets kind of rough with Mabel and Ford starts hitting Fatty until he lets go of Mabel.Cooper wins the race, Mabel still loves Teddy and Ford still kicks Fatty around.In real life, if Mabel had married Tetzlaff, she would have been a widow for a year or so, since Tetzlaff died of cancer in 1929. If she had married Cooper, Cooper would have been her widower for 35 years as he passed away in 1965.In any event, I love early racing, this movie has it, so it gets a "10".
MartinHafer This is another example of the Mack Sennett Studio going on location and taking advantage of nearby attractions to provide the backdrop for this film. They did this with the beach, an exposition and auto races. In fact, I can think of another Sennett film made just a year later that is also based at the auto races. It's one of Chaplin's earliest films "Kid Auto Races at Venice" and like "The Speed Kings", the plot and laughs are purely best.The plot, such as it is, has Dad wanting Mabel to marry a famous auto racer. Instead, Mabel wants to marry another. As for a young Fatty Arbuckle, he wants sweet Mabel for himself. However, when Mabel's beau wins the race, Dad agrees to the match and the film ends with Fatty fighting.The film has many of the usual sure-fire laugh routines of the day--kicking, punching, etc. but they did forget to have the gun loaded with blanks for some shots in the butt. Otherwise, despite the setting, a somewhat familiar film that really lacks laughs. In fact, the only reasons I could see for watching the film are if you are a race buff, as you get to see real racers as stars (as well as throwing in a quick cameo with Barney Oldfield) or if you are an insane silent comedy buff like myself--who will watch almost anything from the era! It's sad to be me sometimes.
tedg Ah, Mabel Normand, from the days when being a wild cokeheaded actress meant something. This is an early one from the Keystone days and the print I saw had some inexplicable stuff tacked onto the end, looked like Fatty and Laurel fighting for some reason.The main film is a car race with a mean ol daddy who will give his daughter, the desirable Mabel, to the winner. She prefers one fellow, Teddy Tetzlaff, and her dad roots for Earl Cooper. It seems that is the names of the actors. The print carries no credits.Oddly, the bad guy wins, and we have no reason to know why he is a bad guy, nor why Mabel seems unfazed. Its after the race that the unexplained tussle between two guys we haven't seen before occurs. There are crowd scenes, so this may have been one of those movies made on a day when a real race was run. The race footage might have been exciting for the times.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
Snow Leopard The Keystone short comedy "The Speed Kings" served mostly as a pretext for showing extended footage of racing cars with their real-life drivers. Since automobiles and movies were both still rather new, this was probably fun and exciting to watch at the time. And it is still enjoyable to see extensive footage of Teddy Tetzlaff and Earl Cooper, plus a glimpse of Barney Oldfield.It also features Mabel Normand as a fan watching a big race, and 'Fatty' Arbuckle in a small part, but in the actual story, that's about it. The plot is thin, and there is not much actual comedy, just a couple of worthwhile gags.Because of the footage of some of the top racers of the day, it's certainly of historical interest, and that's really the main reason to watch it. But you could certainly do far worse with your free time than spending it watching Mabel Normand plus some rather interesting historical footage.