The Second Civil War
The Second Civil War
R | 04 December 1997 (USA)
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When a planeload of Pakistani orphans are shipped to his state for permanent relocation, the governor of Idaho defies the president and closes the state's border. News Net Television, a cable news program that makes hay by reporting on political scandals, quickly spins the racist act into an overnight media sensation, creating a divide in national opinion over the issue.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Hollywood_Yoda "The Second Civil War" is a film that may touch the hearts of many people or it may make your blood boil, depending on which side of the fight you're on! I am talking about IMMIGRATION. In the film, the governor of Idaho does not want to grant amnesty to a group of immigrant refugees and it causes national tension thanks to the news channel covering the incident.Beau Bridges plays Jim Farley, the governor of Idaho who himself is in love with a woman who is an immigrant and of Spanish origin, but blocks the refugees from another nation from entering his state. Meanwhile, the President of the United States (played by Phil Hartman) threatens to send in troops if Farley does not allow the immigrants' entrance to Idaho.The whole fiasco of a civil war could have been avoided if it wasn't for the reporters covering the event. Hearing the wrong thing said, the reporters put pressure on the President to fire on the Idaho National Guard, conflict ensues. Denis Leary plays a reporter on the front lines in Idaho when the first shots are heard.This is not a comedy! This film is meant to be something we should all think about. Do we go so far to protect immigrants over citizens that it causes a civil war?
THEArtistT This is a very relevant film with a brilliant cast. I saw it when it was shown on HBO and, although it was supposed to be a comedy, I found it quite chilling in the end. The comedy is almost all irony and we are talking real irony, not simply funny, unfortunate situations. I saw the ending as chilling at the time because the premise and the ending was/is a real probability. Sure, not likely, but it should serve as a warning. It took me awhile to find this film again and I was not surprised to see the film was/had been buried. I presume because of its very not politically correct writing. Luckily I did a search on Netflix and found that it has been released on DVD. See it!
chasmilt777 I recently bought this DVD because of the all-star cast. It was an HBO made for cable movie and was suppose to be a comedy. I love Beau Bridges, Phil Hartman, and James Coburn. I collect all of their movies.I liked the story and found the funny parts too realistic to laugh at. The most disturbing factor was the number of times the Lord's name was taken in vain. It was so numerous that I could not enjoy this film. What in the world was HBO thinking ? The saddest thing is that great actors like Hartman, Coburn, and James Earl Jones have this picture listed among their respective legacies.It's hard to believe that Beau Bridges won an Emmy for his role as the Gov. of Idaho. I don't keep up with the Emmy Awards. Was there nothing better aired on TV in 1997 ? Don't get me wrong. Beau Bridges is a great actor. I loved him in "Adam's Woman", a movie which has never been released on DVD.I'm not exaggerating about the excessive language. Even non-believers will find it overdone and annoying.
ipswich-2 I think you need to be an American to fully understand the satire at play here. This is a spoof of American politics, government and the hypocrisy of the news media. While Wag the Dog gave us a numbing account of how the media can shape public opinion, the Second Civil War only shows how inept the government and media organizations are. Isn't it frightening if the movie a portent to how political life will shape out in the future? I didn't find the movie funny in any way, nor is that any real message for us to learn.