The Perfect Game
The Perfect Game
PG | 16 April 2010 (USA)
The Perfect Game Trailers

Based on a true story, a group of boys from Monterrey, Mexico who become the first non-U.S. team to win the Little League World Series.

Micitype Pretty Good
Lawbolisted Powerful
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
frankebriscoe If you like real stories with real people and seeing the underdog do the impossible, then this is for you. It is for all ages, you will NOT be disappointed. The story teaches some valuable life lessons. It shows what faith and determination can do, with a desire to DO and not just dream. It also takes skills and giving 100% to achieve something that you believe in. It shows love for others, which seems to be lacking in this world sometimes. It shows that everyone who is willing to work is worthy of being taken seriously. It also shows that discrimination should not be part of who we are, that everyone is of worth. It is not your action packed movie, but it you let it, it will tug at your heart strings and hopefully make you see life a bit better.
nattybreck THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS. SPOILERS ARE IN PARANTHESES. i.e. (((they all died))). That was an example, they didn't die. I started this movie, thinking that it was like a Mexican version of sandlot; obviously, it is not. I was ready to laugh my guts out, but I quickly switched modes as soon as I saw what it was really like. Of course there were some funny moments. The perfect game is about a kid and a man (who previously worked for the St. Louis Cardinals) start a ragtag baseball team in a little Mexico town. They decide to join a great little league to show anything is possible. They defeat the odds and make their way to the top; but not without obstacles. The kids on the team were sweet and lovable people. I especially loved when (((at the restaurant a black kid had to sit at a table away from his team. When the Mexican kids saw this, they were very confused. Finally, one of them seemed to understand and he stood right up and sat with the lonely kid.))) My heart almost exploded, it was so sweet. Anyway, this is a great movie for the whole family, but younger children would probably get bored with it. The beginning was a bit slow, of course I was waiting for a 'Squints' to pop up. 8/10
Alexej This is an absolutely perfect movie. Everything in it is perfect, from the story (based on a true story) all the way to the actors. This film is a rare treasure, such as only comes out once in many, many years. Truly moving, well acted, well filmed, well directed. A must see for all, young and old.I have just finished watching the Blu-ray version of this movie. I am glad to make it a permanent part of my collection, a movie I will watch over and over, for many years to come.If you have not seen it yet, don't walk, run to get it. Don't just rent it, buy it. You won't regret it.
bonimdb I went to see this movie because my daughter loves sports movies. It was completely enjoyable although a little bit clichéd. The acting was not that good but there were so many feel good moments that I could completely forgive any faults I may have found. I even clapped at the end. My daughter's friend was cheering as if he were actually at the game. What made this even more special is the knowledge that this "perfect" game actually happened and, along with the end credits, we got to see the actual players. This is a great movie for the whole family, and that in itself, is a great feat!