Criminal Passion
Criminal Passion
R | 21 September 1994 (USA)
Criminal Passion Trailers

Homicide detective Melanie Hudson begins a torrid affair with a senator's son who is a suspect in a series of grisly murders.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Executscan Expected more
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
tonopah6 This movie was fair; even though it did not have as much skin involved as I expected. Most of the time Joan Severance and three other detectives were trying to find a way to arrest a man of killing a woman, and suspecting that he had killed four other women. Her three partners were: a black fag - a fouled mouthed Latino - and a toothpick munching white dude. I hate those toothpick munchers. Eventually Joan gets sexually involved with the suspect and thinks that one of his ex-girlfriends did the current murder; but the toothpick'er keeps driving at arresting the rich guy (who is also the son of a senator). Overall, it's a watchable movie; mainly because Joan looks fantastic - that is, if you like mature sexy women instead of watching some blonde bimbo from down the street: that those Hollywood executives are casting as main actresses nowadays.
silbervogel304 This movie may not be the most exciting I've ever seen because you can guess the identity of the killer within the first few minutes.But what makes it interesting is the performance of John Allen Nelson as the crime suspect Connor Ashcroft.The role of a playboy,who obviously is irresistible to women,fits him absolutely perfect.He plays both this erotic component as well as his dark side more than convincing.I can think of no one who could present it better! The performance of Joan Severance as Detective Melanie Hudson isn't quite as convincing.No doubt she's a good actress,but you just don't believe her to be a tough cop.So good acting is not enough sometimes. All in all the movie is worth watching it,I'll give it 7 out of 10.
smatysia This film bored me. The only actor who didn't seem to mail it in was John Allen Nelson, as the baddie. I've heard that it's more fun to play the villain, so that's probably why. Joan Severance is a babe, but she was thouroughly unconvincing as the tough cop. For such a B movie, with Ms. Severance in it, I had hoped for more nudity. I notice that the director, Donna Deitch works mostly in TV. She needs a better script and better actors to see if she can do a good job on a feature film. I think maybe she could.
BlueFormicaHalo Haven't we seen this before? Soft core erotica film star Joan Severnce stars as a tough, take-no-sh*t cop who falls for a man who could be killing women after sex. "Basic Instinct" anyone? "Criminal Passion" plays like a sad attempt at making "Basic Instinct" with reversed roles and without the camp. But in no way is it as fun as "Basic Instinct." There is little buildup to the sex that Severence and the man take part in; they just seem to do it. "Criminal Passion" really isn't as bad as it could have been, but for grade-A B movie, check out "Basic Instinct."One-and-a-half Stars out of Four.