The Magic Roundabout
The Magic Roundabout
| 02 February 2005 (USA)
The Magic Roundabout Trailers

A shaggy, candy-loving puppy named Dougal along with a group of friends embarks on a dangerous journey in an effort to imprison their oppressor -- the evil ice sorcerer ZeeBad (Zebedee's evil twin). As the world is placed in mortal danger Zeebad who wants to turn the world to ice. Doogal and his friends must recover 3 diamonds that are needed to stop him.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Stompgal_87 I have fond memories of watching the original 1960s - 1970s stop-motion series on VHS at my grandparents' house when I was a child and I remember my nan telling me about my dad and other children trying to get home from school in time for the programme. When I heard there was going to be a full-length CGI film based on the show with Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue (both of whom had already duetted on their 2000 single 'Kids') providing the voices of Dougal and Florence respectively, I was certainly up for seeing it because it came out before the time CGI completely ruined my childhood favourites such as 'Thomas the Tank Engine,' 'Noddy's Adventures in Toyland' and 'Bananas in Pyjamas.' I saw this film at the cinema with a family aide and we quite enjoyed it although I found some aspects a little disappointing, such as the lack of screen time for Florence due to her entrapment on the frozen roundabout. Other weaknesses of this film were Florence looking different from how she did in the stop-motion show, the pacing being somewhat slow and the plot consisting of drawn-out filler.The positives surpass these negatives. The positives include the animation being fluid on the whole despite the jerky movements on the blue mousse towards the end; most of the characters staying true to the style of those from the original series albeit the detailed lip sync, expressions and facial features; the backgrounds having more colour and definition than those in the original series; the basic premise of Brian, Ermintrude, Dylan and Dougal going on a quest to retrieve diamonds in order to get the roundabout to work again; the dialogue having its witty moments; the voice cast and the soundtrack. With regard to the soundtrack, the incidental music was epic and cinematic for the film's nature and I liked the songs, especially Electric Light Orchestra's 'Mr Blue Sky' and Ermintrude's hilarious operatic singing along to it.Overall, 'The Magic Roundabout' has its weaknesses but its strengths more than made up for them, it brought back significant memories of the original show and I'll definitely be steering clear of 'Doogal (what a stupid way to spell his name!)' because I despise it when British voices are dubbed with American ones and this has already happened to 'Spot the Dog' as witnessed on YouTube once. 7/10.
ed_two_o_nine Well I came in with few expectations hoping to be surprised but in the end unfortunately I was not. What we essentially have here is a CG movie that I suspect did not have great CG when it was released in 2005 and now after I have watched it in 2008 looks even worse, and to make matters worse we have a great British voice cast wasted by a mainly terrible script holding together a weak story line.The premise of the move is that new character Zeebad  is accidentally released from the imprisonment that Zebedee has had him trapped in and preceded to try and take his revenge by turning the world into permanent winter (was that not done by CS Lewis), So Dougal and his pals have to try and stop him.The movie as is often the case for family orientated animated movies where essentially you have a movie containing three or four set pieces linked together by a pot and in this case a very thin one. All bases are tried to be covered as is the way of these films by trying to throw in jokes for the adults too, unfortunately this is not done successfully and I can only remember laughing once at one of Dillon's lines.The movie will run out as you expect and if like me you will find yourself wondering why the cast and characters where wasted. I will not be watching this again.
charlotte377 This film is absolutely amazing. i have been forced to watch it over 15 times by my younger brother and i must admit i now cannot get enough of it. i may sound childish but it is just such a wonderful film. the casting is excellent i think the voice of Dylan maybe the best in the whole film. i particularly enjoyed the scene in which Dylan and Urmintrude sang together, i have never laughed so much in my whole life. nobody would look at the front cover and want to buy it as it is quite plain but once you are into the film you are INTO IT!!! the storyline is moving as well as funny. there is love, romance, comedy, action AND adventure. but beware one viewing of this film is not enough. but it now i promise you this is not a waste of money. this is a film for all the family not just the children.
experim626 This seemed to me like the perfect example of marketing gone wrong ! It's a pre-school property, but they want to get as many viewers as humanely possible, so they age it up to try and get 9 year olds, and add in jokes tailored for adults et al. But without the scriptwriting abilities of a Pixar or even a Dreamworks. Result : my 3 yr-old jumped out of his seat into my lap from the intro - too fast, too loud. I didn't even laugh politely at the jokes BUT I saw the original french version, there is yet some hope that it might have gained in the translation - that would be a first ! And visually, too bright too colorful, ends up being downright ugly !I attended the Paris launch event, and after the viewing, few and far between were those who went to congratulate the team. Kinda heartbreaking actually as they had put together a really nice event.