The Notorious Lone Wolf
The Notorious Lone Wolf
NR | 14 February 1946 (USA)
The Notorious Lone Wolf Trailers

Ex-thief Lone Wolf and his valet don turbans to solve a museum jewel theft.

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AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
MartinHafer I have long loved Warren William and his incarnation of 'the Lone Wolf'. However, following an absence of a few years, the character's back but played by Gerald Mohr. He's certainly NOT Warren William...but is the film worth seeing? But, at least Jameson is still played wonderfully by Eric Blore!When the film begins, you hear that the patriotic Michael Landyard (the Lone Wolf) is returning from his stint in the military. Yet, despite serving his country and constantly proving he's a law- abiding guy, the police immediately assume he's up to no good. And, when a gem is stolen, they insist Landyard is the man behind the robbery. The overall film is pretty silly and easy to forget. After all, imagine Landyard and his man servant spending much of the film dressed up like extras from "Kismet". It seems that the clues lead to some mythical Muslim land where folks in charge STILL dress up in ridiculous 15th century garb! That's what makes the film a bit funny but also a bit stupid. Not a terrible film...just not at all like the Lone Wolf of old.
Michael_Elliott The Notorious Lone Wolf (1946) * 1/2 (out of 4) The war is over so Michael Lanyard (Gerald Mohr) returns home where he plans on spending time with his woman (Janis Carter) but he ends up accused of stealing a priceless jewel so he must try to clear his name and catch the real villain. THE NOTORIOUS LONE WOLF was the first film in the series after Warren William left. You'd think that that would be the real negative aspect but it's actually not. While Mohr doesn't come close to the same type of performance as William, I at least give him credit for not trying to copycat the performance and instead he takes the character into a new direction. Mohr's Lone Wolf is a lot more in-your-face, a lot more upbeat and he just comes across as the polar opposite of William's. That's certainly a good thing because you at least know you're watching a new type of character and I think this approach worked. What doesn't work is the lackluster story and boring direction. The story itself is just one cliché after another including some incredibly bad comic moments. It seems like the screenwriter was going to have the girlfriend be just as important as Lanyard but thankfully it never reached that level. What it did leave us with was some really embarrassing comic moments including a long running one early on when Lanyard and the girl simply want to kiss but they keep getting distracted. Outside of Mohr the performances aren't all that memorable either. Carter is OK as the love interest but in the end forgettable. Eric Blore is back with the comic stuff and John Abbott is also here but doesn't do too much. THE NOTORIOUS LONE WOLF just doesn't have enough going for it to make it entertaining.
bkoganbing The Notorious Lone Wolf has returned from the war. Indeed cinematically the last couple of Warren William Lone Wolf features had to do with wartime plots. Now Michael Lanyard has returned and he's now being played by Gerald Mohr. In fact he's looking for a nice romantic evening with Janis Carter. But trusty valet Jameson first brings in Inspector William Davidson of the NYPD who always suspects The Lone Wolf when a big caper happens and the Shalimar diamond has been stolen from a visiting Indian potentate. In real life these guys would shortly be giving up their thrones so maybe the maharajah was in the USA looking for new digs.The Carter's sister Adelle Roberts shows up asking Mohr for some help with her love life as Mark Roberts has been spending time with an exotic dancer. Wouldn't you know it, the stolen jewel and the dancer are connected and when the dancer gets shot very dead, the police as always suspect The Lone Wolf. So Mohr as per the usual Lone Wolf plots has to recover the diamond to prove his innocence.Mohr is a rougher Lanyard as opposed to the dapper Warren William. Eric Blore is back as Jameson and a couple of times these two almost devolve into an Abbott&Costello routine. The slapstick was a bit out of place, you wouldn't have seen Warren William doing that.Still The Notorious Lone Wolf is not a bad film, just a different loner.
dcole-2 This Lone Wolf entry introduces Gerald Mohr in the title role... and that's part of the problem. It labors for so long to set up that "this new guy" is the Lone Wolf that it takes a while for the plot to kick in -- it's like they felt they had to convince us that Mohr really is the Wolf, honest! Forget about that Warren William guy! So the first ten to fifteen minutes are rather slow. And Mohr is no Warren William. But he's competent enough and once the story gets going, it's amiable and breezy and fun. All about -- of course -- a stolen gem and the Wolf's attempts to find the real thief (he's blamed, as always). So it's not as good as some of the earlier Warren William Wolfs, but it's not bad, either. Moves along a quick clip and wraps it all up neatly, with some good fun as Mohr and sidekick Blore pretend to be Arab Royalty as they try to find the lost gem.
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