The Murder at Road Hill House
The Murder at Road Hill House
| 25 April 2011 (USA)
The Murder at Road Hill House Trailers

In 1860, Inspector Jack Whicher of Scotland Yard is sent to rural Wiltshire to investigate the murder of the three-year-old boy Saville Kent, who was snatched from his bed at night and murdered.

Lawbolisted Powerful
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
saiken-30341 This applies to all 4 of the Whicher movies. They are full of well realized characters acting in a way which is reasonably consistent with what I know of the period. The mysteries are clever and the solutions are, for the most part, very satisfying. If you like this sort of program you will like this one. If you don't, give this one a try.
vkorchnoifan This detail movie about the true and absolutely sensational murder mystery that occurred in England in the 1860s gave birth to Sir Arthur Canon Dolye's "Sherlock Holmes". The life of Constance Kent was a was disgrace by murdering her half brother but was reborn after becoming a Christian and seeking forgiveness. Queen Victoria forgave her to a life in prision. After which she join her brother in Austrailia and led a life of nursing. She died at the age of 100. She was still in the newspapers although in the obituaries. Could God forgive this murderess ? I think so. She led a good life in Austrialia. I saw the Road House in Wilshire, its the same at pictured in the movie. Which leads me to believe that Kate Summerscale had a lot to do with this movie. I even prayed over the grave of Saville Kent after I talked to a few people in Rode, Wiltshire, England. I imagine that after the movie, there is alot of tourists looking at the house. Just like the movie "Bagdad Cafe", although there is nothing left of the small area now.
holeinthehead-12-719361 Complex plots Beautiful lighting and composition Saw a criticism that it was darkly lit?! It is realistic to the period and EXTREMELY WELL DONE.
Leofwine_draca THE MURDER AT ROAD HILL HOUSE was an excellent non-fiction crime novel which looked at a notorious murder case which took place in 19th century Victorian England. This rather derivative ITV adaptation of the novel offers a heavily fictionalised version of the story, but in adopting all of the usual clichés of the TV detective formula, it loses something in the process.I like Paddy Considine but he can do little with his titular detective character who comes across as rather flat. The viewer is left wondering why we're supposed to care about his increasingly frustrated investigations. The rest of the staging is adequate, but the director is too obsessed with getting the details right and forgets about offering any kind of stylistic touches of his own. There's no tension here, no suspense in the telling, it's just an ordinary police procedural that you watch to see what happens. THE SUSPICIONS OF MR WHICHER almost entirely lacks the gripping, page-turning quality of the book on which it is based, so it's invariably disappointing.