The Long Walk Home
The Long Walk Home
PG | 21 December 1990 (USA)
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Two women, black and white, in 1955 Montgomery Alabama, must decide what they are going to do in response to the famous bus boycott led by Martin Luther King.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Lee Eisenberg Sissy Spacek and Whoopi Goldberg put on spectacular performances in this story of the relationship between an affluent woman and her maid in Montgomery, Alabama, during the bus boycott. The movie shows how both women start out filling the roles that society expects of them - a housewife and a servant - but both slowly realize that they have to be more than this. There's no glossing over the rabid racism of many of the people in Montgomery, some of whom believe the Civil Rights Movement to be a commie plot.There's a scene where we hear a suggestion that there might one day be a black person in a position of power. Obviously that's now the case, but racism persists, as do police killings of unarmed blacks. Movies like "The Long Walk Home" will remain relevant as long as these problems continue. I recommend the movie both as a look at the events of the era, and as a look at how these women of different socioeconomic backgrounds turned out to have more in common than they realized.Definitely worth seeing. Watch for an early appearance by Ving Rhames (Marcellus in "Pulp Fiction") as Whoopi Goldberg's husband.
ingeridw This is a powerful movie. Sissy Spacek and Whoopi Goldberg both give excellent performances - especially Sissy. I lived in those times, though I was little. I remember very well the water fountains in the grocery store marked "White" and "Colored." I remember drinking from the "Colored" fountain just in protest at the stupidity of it. I couldn't watch the violent scenes and turned the channel (it was shown on TV today) when they got to be too much. People can be so evil, and I lived through some of those times, though kind of the tail end. I attended a recreation center growing up, and though the colored part of town began on its far side, they were not allowed to play there. I remember how absurd I thought that was, too. I was shocked at the facts displayed at the end of the movie, though I do remember reading of or watching the news about such things occurring a few years later. Why the South was so proud of being ignorant is hard for us to understand today, but it had to do with money, as does most things, and the loss of money - especially when it brings hardship with it - runs deep. A very good film and worth watching.
dasnyder4325 I forget when I saw the film or where, but it stayed with me. I really feel the film never got its appropriate praise or fan fair, but maybe some films are meant to be discovered by people as hidden gems and aren't meant to be touted as classics. Though I feel this one is.I felt that Whoopi Goldberg and Sissy Spacek were the cornerstones of the film and deepened the work by providing three dimensional characters that had more to do than just worry about a cause. They had lives to lead and families to raise and the film focuses on their daily living and how they lived it with this larger situation going on around them.This choice of direction brings us into the story much quicker because it focuses on the people and the impact the situation has on them.What stays with me is the subtlety and how small gestures can have a great impact.My favorite movies are about people. Real people interest me more than perfect people. This movie kept me interested.I bought this film on clearance and when I saw the $7.99 price tag I thought to myself - 'This is worth so much more' And it is!
jeanner-2 I loved this movie. The acting was spectacular but what I really liked was the understated tone. So many movies about the history of civil rights make everything so big and dramatic. It was big and dramatic but most people were still working and living their lives. This movie shows how a person can wake up to the world around them and change. It is not a huge shift but once she sees clearly, she can not go back. Her life will be changed forever. It is really beautifully done.I found myself wanting to know more about the characters in the story. What happened the next day? Did the husband join his wife or did they divorce? Did the two women remain friends? Anyway, it was great!
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