The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh
The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh
NR | 09 November 2012 (USA)
The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh Trailers

The story of Leon, an antiques collector who inherits a house from his estranged mother only to discover that she had been living in a shrine devoted to a mysterious cult. Soon, Leon comes to suspect that his mother's oppressive spirit still lingers within her home and is using items in the house to contact him with an urgent message.

Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
reidklein This is a killer flick. I absolutely loved it. I was blown away on how good this movie was. This movie stuck with me and had me thinking and scared for long after I have seen it. I am writing this review a year after I have seen it, because I wanted to check the IMDb score, and I am not so surprised to see a average score.You have to watch this movie when you can actually pay attention, you don't want to miss anything. Don't watch it during the day with your phone ringing and kids running all about the house. Watch it at night and pay attention.This movie will scare the sh*t out of you. I have never seen a movie quite like it. Like everyone is saying, its not your block buster unlimited-budget Big Effects movie. But it does the trick even more than most of those big hits, in horror, psycho-suspense and will scare the pants off you.Awesome movie. I highly recommend this movie.
Nmlss First of all, this is not the classic Horror / Thriller movie one might expect.Its has very few 'Scary/Jump Scare' scenes, but after a while you get into the movies atmosphere , a very dark and unpleasant one , and that is what makes it so enjoyable. The story itself is nothing too exciting just filled with a lot of religious images, but its not the story that makes this movie good. Its more like reading a 'scary' book than watching a movie ( :p if that makes any sense)But anyway, if someone wants something less 'Jump scary', but more moody and creepy its really worth checking out!
Diedelmon It's weird they labeled this as horror. Well, maybe the horror comes from the realization in the end - your mother killed herself over loneliness and your guilt haunted you so bad that you had to hallucinate supernatural things in order to come to terms with it (and many other things). It's a terrifying situation, but this is no horror flick. It would be better depicted as drama. And it deserved more time - Vanessa Redgrave deserved to shine and dazzle us on screen. Certain aspects of it were undeveloped (it had a chance of turning into a very good horror flick on the dad, but they simply ignored it) and some were overrated (the thing with statues? Doctor Who did it already. I spent the whole time warning myself not to blink and remembering David Tennant's monologue on the Weeping Angels). But I found it nice. It didn't bore me to death, it had a surprise in the end, the atmosphere was good to follow, the acting wasn't bad... It's one of those movies you jut think "it could do so much better", you know? But I can't say it was bad. It was decent entertainment after all.
Lucabrasisleeps Incredibly creepy movie. For me, as I have mentioned, the creepiest style of horror movie is the supernatural horrors and this one doesn't disappoint. One thing here is that there are not many jump scares at all. It is just mostly build up and it builds up the atmosphere so much that the tension is unbearable after a while. The guy is absolutely alone in the house and there is no chance of any light hearted dialog or anything. It is just this oppressive dread that hangs in the air. And that woman's voice-over. Creepy as hell. It is actually a sad movie as well. The ending is heartbreaking. For that reason, it affected me quite a bit. I still can't say it is a perfect movie but for the feelings it has given me, I have to give it a good rating. 8/10
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