R | 09 November 2012 (USA)
Citadel Trailers

Chronically agoraphobic since the day his wife was murdered, Tommy Cowley finds himself terrorized by a gang of syringe-wielding feral children, who are intent on taking his baby daughter. Upon discovering the nightmarish truth surrounding these hooded children, he learns that to be free of his fears, he must finally face the demons of his past and enter the one place he fears the most - the abandoned tower block, known as the Citadel.

Cortechba Overrated
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
ShangLuda Admirable film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Leofwine_draca CITADEL is another grim and gloomy slice of British urban horror shot with that cheap and depressing digital look, all greys and blues and no life anywhere. Despite the predictability of the visuals, the film turns out to be not too bad, and certainly better than the similarly-themed F. Aneurin Barnard plays a young father grieving his wife's death at the hands of a group of feral children who roam his local council estate causing mischief. The story that plays out is dingy and dark, enlivened only by the presence of the reliably great James Cosmo as a foul-mouthed priest who vows to help our lead tackle the kids responsible. It's a pretty predictable little outing, but there's enough incident here to keep you watching.
doctor_ledo I can't believe that some people gave this trash more than 1 star,what is this? where is the story?.Really if there is a degree under zero this film deserve it.This is a vacant story, simply and directly told by Irish writer-director Ciaran Foy. He doesn't try to explain too much, he doesn't depend on special effects and stays just this side of the unbelievable. As Tommy, Aneurin Barnard is very effective. He trembles and sweats with fear, he would seem paranoid if it didn't seem the "demons" weren't really there, and if they hadn't really killed his wife.The priest enlists Tommy in a scheme to destroy the Citadel and send the demons back to the flames of hell Hahhhhhhhhhh Where are these demons? and like the trash movies some things happen ad elevator did not open as usual. Tis film is very boring,no blot and also no acting
Gabriel Teixeira Tommy watches helpless as his pregnant wife is brutally attacked by some kid gang, an event that leaves him with agoraphobia. She manages to deliver the child and months later, the children attack him once again, apparently targeting the baby; Tommy must fight his fears in order to save his child.Nothing too creative here. Claran Foy might have 'based' this on a real experience, but there is little original here; the movie feels like a mix of 'Heartless' with 'The Brood'. In truth, I couldn't shake the similarities that kept rising between this and Cronenberg's twisted fantasy/horror. But unlike that one 'Citadel' tries to be 'serious' or somewhat realistic, which doesn't work. In fact, it is exactly the pretentiousness of trying to make it carry a realistic message and tone that makes this film so weak.Apparently people think this is a social commentary. If this is, it is just a terrible one or very badly mishandled. It might be about street violence and the whole thing gears towards 'you mustn't be afraid of walking around in public'... But street violence IS real; we shouldn't hide because of it, but 'not hiding' and 'going into a gang's den fearlessly' are two completely different things.Plus, what was the deal with the kids? We never get an explanation, or even a hint, of what they are, except that they started 'normal' and, inexplicably, became some kind of monster. It is not necessary to give a clear-cut explanation to everything, but when you try to keep a 'realistic' tone to the film and then go and bring to the screen a half-demon, fear-smelling thing... Well, you really jumped the shark there, Claran Foy.Acting is all around the place, partly due to the lousy characters. Tommy (Aneurin Barnard) is painful to watch; it is one thing to portray an agoraphobic realistically, another is to make him an exaggerated afraid-of-everything, irritating stereotype (that is more of a character criticism, though Barnard's acting certainly didn't help changing it). The bleeding-heart, 'I want to help everyone', 'these kids are just victims of society!' Marie (Wunmi Mosaku) is equally terrible to watch (her death was the closest to a 'good moment'); James Cosmo, the priest, is the only one that manages to make a fun watch.Being Foy's first picture, it is commendable that he managed to create such a good mood and even a few adequate jump scenes (something many seasoned directors still fail at doing). He just needs to hone his screen writing abilities (or better yet, get someone else to write for him) and he should do well.
kosmasp This is an absolute head horror movie. Something that is building on your imagination (or that of the main guy) ... or is it? And that is the big drawing point of the movie too. While it isn't acted great, the main idea has so much gravitas that it makes the movie a really nice watch. Especially when it leaves you wondering what is going on.The "prologue" (let's call it that) has the inciting incident in it and while it is a bit of a stretch it does have a very big effect on our leading man. An effect some will dismiss, but something that can actually happen (to someone who went through something like this). What follows is a nice horror movie that will either entertain you or bore you, depending on your taste