The Fear Inside
The Fear Inside
| 09 August 1992 (USA)
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An agoraphobic children's book illustrator is trapped inside her home by two young psychos-in-love, who terrorize her. It is only when her young son is threatened that she manages to overcome her paralyzing fears and attempt to leave her home to save him...

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
HeadlinesExotic Boring
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
guilfisher-1 Okay, so this is a made for TV movie of 1992. It is based around the fear of being out of the house - called agoraphobia (sp). Christine Lahti is the lady in distress. Usually I like this lady's work, but this time around I was not only annoyed at her dramatics but tired after awhile of her screaming antics. Now you also have the good looks of Dylan McDermott as one of the home invaders. At first you really like him. And then when he begins to show his true colors, the plot thickens. McDermott gives a reasonably good performance. Unlike his supposedly wacky sister, overplayed by Jennifer Rubin. I couldn't wait for Rubin to get her uppance. She was that annoying. Both she and Lahti deserved each other. I was hoping that the two ladies would kill each other and Dylan goes free. He and the parrot that is. The house gets trashed along the way and our leading lady gets out of the house. Not surprising. This story was written by Alan Jay Gluickman and made into a screenplay by David Birke. Leon Ichaso directed this, but letting the two leading actresses go too far in my opinion.
1fortheroad My friend and I recently watched The Fear Inside. We thought it was a uniquely put-together movie, compelling and thrilling at the same time. Because it is a sort-of murder movie, it had a lot of heavy moments in it, but there was a bit of comic relief from the very insane killers. Christine Lahti was very convincing as the half-crazed agoraphobic who is held at the mercy of two murderers, a prisoner in her own house. She is torn, quite literally, between the fear of going out doors, and the fear inside.
screechmoe This is a movie about Fears, Merideth is a agroaphobic...I guess that means she is afraid to go outdoors of her own house. So she is like a prison...and two people claiming to be brother and sister movie into her extra guest bedroom, for a little extra money. Janie comes along-claims to be a vet and Pete her supposedly brother a cop...These actors are very talented as they go from nice to psycho after Merideth catches them having sex out doors in the pool...she finds this strange, for being brother and sister so she goes and tries to search the bedroom for an idenity. She finds a womans finger with a ring on it...Pet sees a light come on and knows something is up. Merideth plays it out, until he catches her calling 911. I love the scenes when, Pete & Merideth are kissing and making out the first time...and how Janie gets jealous it is awesome and the part when Merideth convinces Pete that Janie is trying to steal the ring and that she wants him and he wants her...and they are making out about to do it, when Janie comes Slashing him on the back with a butcher knife calling him a traitor...Best performances I've seen in a movie for a while...Plus Dylan McDermott is FINE, His body is mmm mmm good :) and he has the most adorable eyes and eyebrows. I give this movie a 10 for sure.
liderc Now this movie is much better than five stars. It has a good plot, good directing and features the talent of the excellent Jennifer Rubin. She gives one of the best performances I have ever seen, as usual. Such a great actress! The scene when she commits suicide is very moving. Also listen closely to the score - it's by Michel Rubini, who made the wonderful electronic score for "The Hunger" (by Tony Scott) together with Denny Jaeger! He even recycles some samples from this earlier work for this movie!
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