High Tension
High Tension
R | 10 June 2005 (USA)
High Tension Trailers

Best friends Marie and Alexia decide to spend a quiet weekend at Alexia's parents' secluded farmhouse. But on the night of their arrival, the girls' idyllic getaway turns into an endless night of horror.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
wildblueyonder I just don't understand the appeal of these movies.The movie is exactly what it looks to be, its yet another in like a million movies where people are being chased by a crazed killer. Yawn.I gave it actually better than I usually would because its pretty well shot. But in the end its just another slasher flick - if you like them this may be for you but if you need, like, a plot or something interesting then pass.
djsirrocosunriseltd As the headline suggests, I was really enjoying this. If they'd have only left it out, it would have worked so well. The scenes, as the title suggests, are really high tension moments. The build up till that point is pretty full on and then it happens. From then on I'm constantly trying to work out if that's true how did this happen etc, etc. It's not a bad movie. It just doesn't really add up and they've potentially, in my opinion, ruined what could have been a true classic trying to out sixth sense the sixth sense. A shame really. Was left disappointed.
RealChristian14 French director Alexandre Aja makes his first horror flick that presents an unlikely story of romance in this French movie entitled "Haute Tension",also known as "High Tension" or "Switchblade Romance".Cecile De France,Maiwenn and Philippe Nahon star in this film that tells the story of best friends Alex and Marie,who are going to visit and stay at the former's family in rural Southern France, to study.As they sleep on their first night,a sudden appearance of a killer which started to put many people to death.As the killer starts to kill more people,the story later reveals that Marie and the killer,portrayed by Philippe Nahon,are actually one and the same.Apparently,Alex is suffering from a split personality.The reason was also revealed in the end as she surprisingly harbor romantic feelings for Alex.No question that the slasher flick was nicely done although it provided excessive violence while the killer or Marie is at "work".A small brother of Alex being shot by a gun,a father having his head cut and the mother being slashed on the throat proves just that.What about a decapitated head being thrown on the road?No question that the entertainment factor is based on how much blood are being poured and how many bodies are being disposed.No question that love to do these kind of movies.Fans of slasher flicks will definitely enjoy it.
missraze I knew this film would be bad when I saw 5 minutes in the little boy in a Wild Wild West cowboy costume, going "bam, bam, bam!" with a toy gun. How cliché. Was I supposed to go "awww, how cute, not the little boy!" as soon as I saw him, because the freaking writer was too lazy to develop his personality and his relationship with his family so I can build some sentiment for him? But I managed to convince myself for the 80 other minutes I sat through that the movie would be as mind-blowing as all these gimps and fools saying it would be. I downloaded the film and cut the movie off 10 minutes before it finished and now I can't wait to get my 640MB of RAM back.Well you were all wrong. I wish when the movie came out that I wasn't 12 years old and American or I would've seen the film and right away reviewed it and boycotted outside of the theaters for everyone to turn away as quickly as possible and save their ticket money for their bills instead.The deep country backdrop is ugly. It put me off it from the beginning but I kept on watching. It's lazy for a choice of scenery as well, because you see that setting so much in horror films, particularly around the time it came out. It's also cheap to use the high corn stalks as a mystery tactic when they foolishly wander in and get lost. "Oh my goodness! Will she come out alive?!" No, I didn't think that, sorry Mr. Director Guy. The secluded location of the house is annoyingly typical of a very bad idea for a tiny family of middle-aged parents, a small child and a chauvinistically thin, young daughter too incapable to defend themselves to live in, as individuals and as a unit. And now these feeble fools are in the middle of nowhere. We already know where this is gonna lead. The excuse of it being "idyllic" and a "place to get away and relax (while 'studying', the least relaxing thing ever)" doesn't work with me.But, again, I continue to squash these blatant facts like nagging cockroaches littered all over my common sense. And alas I keep watching.So never mind the weak force of the plot twist, but even without it this movie is the least heart-pounding "thriller" I've seen in a while. Because the whole time I'm vaguely wondering how this female (the daughter's friend) has survived all these attacks especially after witnessing the serial killer commit them while she's spectating in the worst hiding places ever: under the bed, in the closet, in a public bathroom stall, and in the back of THE serial killer's truck. I'm left to think this guy is the least diligent serial killer out there, which makes this whole poop-show very anti-climactic as it continues. Not good. She also took dammit forever to try and save anyone, which might play into the plot-twist, but it was still aggravating and discouraging to continue the film seeing her be so weak-minded and jelly-kneed.And here I am wanting a kickass heroine or a legendary female villain. And I get a stereotypically butch lesbian (cropped haircut, smokes, thumb ring, hoodie, and muscles) who ironically has a disappointingly weak swing and bad ideas and easy-flowing tears, so it really ruins any chances for her to succeed as the "cool tough chick" she's meant to be compared to her look, which seems like a contrived vision of the (casting) director. On top of that she's up against a stereotypically gruff man playing the serial killer. And he outsmarts her every which way she goes, which is upsetting since I was rooting for her, but it also wasn't surprising seeing how I definitely wouldn't want my life in this girl's hands, even if she didn't end up to be the bad guy. In the meantime, there was no feeling of intensity because the slue of hackneyed murders started so unprecedentedly, due to lazy screen writing. I promise: The only "conversation" the writer bothered to include in between the girls arriving and the murder was: "Did your friend get settled?"First off, to any aspiring horror writer who thinks this movie could serve as a blueprint, let alone Mr. Director Who Bit Off More Than He Could Chew By Also Being the Writer: Did her "friend" get settled? I'm sorry but if you're not running a Bed and Breakfast and are a host to a visitor who's meant to be a family friend and you're letting them stay for days in your home...I'd like to think you'd want to get to know them a bit and ask them yourself if they're settled in fine. OR even better you know them already considering your own child is bringing them for miles outside of civilisation to stay with you... But "did your friend get settled in?" is a bold and insulting indication that the writer didn't give a crap to at least show the visitor and the family and her friend having a nice character-developing and bond-creating discussion over the non-existent welcome home dinner... As far as the skip-a-beat excuse of a transition between the girls arriving and the "action": It literally goes from laughs and giggles between the girls unpacking in the bedroom literally to the doorbell ringing and kapow--foolish murder ensues. But all is well in the end because of the plot twist, right? Wrong.Ugh, whatever, just lame. This is what happens when you copy off of American Hollywood films!!!!The only thing I got from this film was a consolidation of me always telling myself: "Never open the door for a stranger." Not that they could hear me screaming it at the computer screen.
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