The Green Slime
The Green Slime
G | 21 May 1969 (USA)
The Green Slime Trailers

A giant asteroid is heading toward Earth so some astronauts disembark from a nearby space station to blow it up. The mission is successful, and they return to the station unknowingly bringing back a gooey green substance that mutates into one-eyed tentacled monsters that feed off electricity. Soon the station is crawling with them, and people are being zapped left and right!

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
jacobjohntaylor1 Great horror sciences fiction story. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. 4.5 is underrating it. This is a very underrated movie. This a 10. It one of then best science fiction movies of all time. This so mush better the that overrated crap 2001 a space Oddyssey. See this movie. It is the best movie ever. Great movie great movie great movie. See it see it see it. I do not know why people do like. The special effects are not that good. But really this is a great movie. Then maybe I could see why you would give a 9. But a 4. Oh come on.
a_chinn Released the same year as "2001: A Space Odyssey" this US/Japan co-production is embarrassingly dated and ridiculously campy compared to that Stanley Kubric classic. Directed by Kinji Fukasaku, who at this same time was directing some excellent, very tough Yakuza films and who'd later go on to direct the cult classic "Battle Royale," but this film lacks those films production values and most importantly a decent script. The set up for "The Green Slime" isn't all that bad. A giant asteroid is headed towards earth so a gigantic spaceship is sent out to intercept it. What ends up happening after they blow it up is the space adventurers inadvertently bring back the titular slime, which then mutates into some embarrassingly stupid looking one-eyed tentacled creatures. On the positive side, I did enjoy the colorful 1960s production design, which had a nicely campy Mad Men feel. I also found Fukasaku's overuse of dramatic zooms entertainingly goofy, adding to the film's camp value. Overall this is a terrible film that can only be enjoyed on a so-bad-it's-good level of entertainment, which did entertain me.
dbdumonteil Released the very year when "2001" revolutionized sci fi ,"the green slime" looks like a comic strip,sometimes involuntarily very funny,notably in the sequence of the attack on the infirmary. The special effects ,particularly the rubber creatures ,are priceless and the rockets ,the launching ramps and the orbital station look like toys .In its way ,the first part is an "Armageddon" (1998) in miniature whereas the second one predates "alien " (1979) ,its sequels and its countless imitators.The two astronauts ,with diametrically opposite characters but good friends in the end ,vying with each other for the doctor's love ,will return in too many thrillers ,as far as the detectives are concerned .They must be forgiven ,because the physician is none other than the gorgeous Lucianna Paluzzi who played Fiona Volpe ,my favorite villainess in the Bond saga .I must confess I watched the flick because she was in it.
sddavis63 I watched this expecting to find a typical, late 60's low budget sci-fi movie of little interest. Instead, while I found some of that (especially the low budget angle) what I actually found was a fun, fairly exciting movie. The special effects included were pretty standard for this kind of movie, the sets were well designed and the alien creatures were silly-looking but nevertheless interesting.The story is set mostly on a futuristic space station. A huge asteroid is discovered that's on a collision course with earth, and a team led by Commander Rankin (Robert Horton) is assigned to blow it up. Rankin's assignment is the source of friction with Commander Elliott (Richard Jaeckel), who's normally in command of the station but is displaced by Rankin for the mission. The fact that these two are former best friends who obviously have some issues left over from having worked together in the past creates tension, and complicating that tension even further is the fact that Elliott's fiancé (Luciana Paluzzi) is also Rankin's ex- girlfriend. Yes, there's a bit of melodrama involved with this! On the asteroid the team discovers a strange green slime (as the title implies) and inadvertently carries some of it back to the station when they complete their mission. The slime turns out to be alien blood cells that feed off electricity and grow rapidly into these weird looking creatures that also produce electricity and can therefore electrocute those they come in contact with. The story basically revolves around the battle against these creatures, and whether the crew of the station will survive.All things considered, it's pretty well done. The performances are, I would say, a bit above standard for this kind of movie. Despite being set well into the future it's very much a product of its cultural times (as the theme music suggests) but it makes for an enjoyable hour and a half. (7/10)