The Incident
The Incident
| 17 May 2014 (USA)
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Two parallel stories about people trapped in illogical endless spaces: two brothers and a detective locked on an infinite staircase, and a family locked on an infinite road... for over 35 years.

Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
albert_holton I saw this one on Netflix tagged thriller. That was absolutely wrong labeling! There is nothing thrilling about this movie. The idea of this film is good, but when everything gets in a loop and we never get out of it, well for me it gets dull and boring. There is something going on in the movie, but that never gets explained or even feels logical. It's an arty movie, good photography and beautiful locations. It is probably a deep and intellectual plot which I didn't get. I'm just a normal guy who likes thrilling movies and this one didn't get anywhere near that. I would like to get a refund for a spoiled Sunday evening!
Mateus Ribeiro I cannot understand the negative reviews. Acting? Photography? Really? Is that your serious concern about this awesome piece of art? This is not a film to watch worried about technique, nor about entertainment. This is a movie to think, to be surprised and intrigued. Its a huge mindf**k puzzle, in an intense and crazy parallel dimension - at the real world. A sci-fi without space ships, just regular persons and regular scenery, through a very not regular story. Do yourself a favor and watch this film without trying to be an egocentric movie critic, but a true fan of art and different angles. Then you can go back to your comfortable "I saw this already" kind of movie. And no, nobody is paying me a penny to review it. Believe me, I work at a quality control enterprise for video-on-demand platforms, I watch all kinds of movies everyday, but this stands out.
dpc-71354 The plot and the idea behind this movie seems interesting enough to consider watching it, an original concept that might not come up often (specially for a Mexican movie).It all starts with big expectations, however, it takes no more than the first 10 minutes to realize that this film will not live up to expectations.The acting is utterly horrible, there is not a single character in this movie with whom you can relate to or even feel some empathy for. The dialogs are forced and their over use of swearing lets you know immediately that this is a normal Mexican movie in which there is no need for good dialogs as long as you have enough nonsense swearing. Be aware that the main actresses is known only for her soap opera appearances, which are by definition, not great places to find good actresses.The film feels very claustrophobic (which I imagine was on purpose) but rather than being gripped by the plot it just provokes the spectator the need to find a way out of the cinema room.As if the acting was not enough to give you headaches then there are the sound effects and music. The sound effects feel "raw" (and by raw I mean there seems that no post production or sound mixing was made at all). The dialogs feel intrusive and the whinings and screams are just unbearable. The music is like a copy cat from Lost and other suspense series.This movie has received positive reviews in the independent media in Mexico which was one of the reasons for me to watch it. However, after watching it seems to me that the reviews were made by the filmmaker's friends.Have a look at IMDb review dates for this movie and if you're intelligent enough you'll realize that most of the "overwhelmingly positive" reviews were made months ago, previous to the commercial release of the movie, and by users that coincidentally or not, registered 10 or so months ago. It looks to me that they tried (and sadly, achieved) to generate great expectations for this movie.Watch it at your own risk but bear in mind that it is not material for a cult movie and much less the director (Isaac Izban) is the next Stephen King. This movie is a great idea awfully executed and with even poorer acting quality.It is 90 minutes of torture with 10 minutes in which they quite literally explain the whole movie. Next time the director should be kind enough to save 90 minutes of their audience's time and shoot a short movie instead.
villegasrodolfo "Knowledge is power but ignorance is bliss" These words can be a guide for the experience you live if you dare to enjoy the movie The Happening. Film by the director Issac Ezban which creates a multiverse which presents both claustrophobic and agoraphobic atmospheres with surreal and scatological overtones. If you feel seeing the film that is a chapter of Twilight zone or Lost this is because the director mentioned that these are your main inspirations and even makes them a tribute by reference. But this does not detract, however, makes the film more interesting and makes you want to continue the journey to the end. After you watch the film it is impossible not to refer to Groundhog day (1993) by Harold Ramis and Inception (2010) Nolan because if we add to this amalgam a Kafkaesque touches the result could well be the incident. Like all independent production is very difficult to be projected at first in theaters, wait to be seen at special functions and festivals. When I was in DF try to get tickets for the few functions that existed in the Cineteca Nacional and these were exhausted. Which made my desire to see it rise. It was thanks to Guadalajara International Film Festival (FICG) in this its 30th edition; where they would make a unique presentation and that was where I was able to enjoy it. And not only that there were also a plus. A presentation with the director and cast at a session of questions and answers, all this at the end of the function. The wait was good, it was the best he had no great expectations and these were overcome by the written and presented on screen for Issac Ezban history. In words of the director this summer Incident projects in commercial cinemas so it is a good opportunity to see an original story and gain entry to dream worlds where the only way out is to move forward.