Tomb of the Werewolf
Tomb of the Werewolf
R | 08 June 2004 (USA)
Tomb of the Werewolf Trailers

A reality TV crew visits Castle Daninsky to search for a hidden treasure in the dungeons. Instead of finding treasure, they unearth a tomb and unleash a cursed servant.

Wordiezett So much average
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Boba_Fett1138 So far I have only seen 2 different Fred Olen Ray but I can already tell that he is absolutely one of the worst directors that is still working today. His movies are just so bad, that they are not even funny to watch.I can stand the occasional low budget horror-attempt and can take them for what they are but this is just too much to take. It's an insanely bad movie, that you shouldn't even watch to see how bad it is. Just take my word for it and don't even think about ever watching this.While watching this movie I even started noticing that I wasn't even paying attention to it, while I wasn't even doing anything else. It's just a completely uninteresting movie and I literally couldn't care about anything that was happening. I therefore also really can't tell what the story was about because I simply did not care. It's title might sound cool enough but really, this is not even a werewolf movie. If I have to classify this movie as anything, it would be as soft-core porn because it has a couple of lame attempts at nudity and sex sequences at it, that aren't even done well, not even from a soft-core porn perspective. Horror-wise there is absolutely nothing going on in this movie.It's an incredibly cheap looking movie. It's one of those films that has a TV look all over and if this movie cost anything above $1,000 to make, I would be very surprised. No serious money on the sets, effects, make-up or costumes got ever spend. Even the sound can be all messed up at times, when the actors don't speak closely enough into the camera's.The movie really doesn't flow well, which is due to its messy editing but also lacking directing. The movie also completely fails to feature some likable characters. All of the characters are basically extremely horrendous ones, that do absolutely nothing to make you like any of them. They do quite the opposite throughout this movie actually. I also really can't tell who was supposed to be the main character, or so to speak, 'hero' in this.Needless to say that the acting is also real horrible in this. They couldn't spend any money on the movie its visuals, so they of course also couldn't spend any on some decent enough actors. Actually funny to see that I start recognizing some of these actors who keep popping up in these absolutely horrible- and often soft-core porn, flicks.Do us all a favor and just give up, Fred Olen Ray. You even shouldn't be allowed to make movies in the first place with that sort of a name.1/10
Michael_Elliott Tomb of the Werewolf (2004) ** (out of 4) Paul Naschy made his twelfth and final appearance as Waldemar Daninsky in this American production that was quickly thrown together when the Spanish legend came to the States for a quick visit. The film centers on the Daninsky Castle where there's a hidden treasure somewhere. The last relative of Waldemar invites a reality show there to try and find it but an evil servant (Michelle Bauer) decides to bring Waldemar, the werewolf, back to life. Okay, if you're expecting the Waldemar of two decades ago then you're going to be disappointed but at the same time I think this film offers enough for fans of Naschy who aren't going to be offended by what the movie is. There's no question that this film doesn't work but I think some of being overly harsh on it because it doesn't look, feel or smell like the films Naschy was making earlier in his career. This film contains a lot of nudity, various sex scenes and a weak story but at the same time I think the werewolf side of things gets plenty of attention and we get to see Naschy, in full make up, attacking more people here than in any of the other films that this character appears in. The transformation scenes, done through cheap CGI, are extremely bad so thankfully we only have to see them a couple times whereas the wolf just appears in the other scenes. I think Naschy is good at his old tricks of howling, jumping out and biting folks but the screenplay never gives him any dialogue with the make up. I understand how this might upset fans but again, we have to remember how quickly this thing was thrown together. I found the rest of the cast to be entertaining even if they weren't giving the greatest performances out there. Bauer is fine as the vamp with Stephanie Bentley, Danielle Petty and Jacy Andrews turning in fun characters as well. There's plenty of bloody attacks to keep horror fans entertained and plenty of nudity for the teenage boy in all of us. Ray hasn't created any masterpiece or anything ground breaking but I think fans of Naschy should at least check it out to see the man in his most famous role one last time.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*"Tomb of the Werewolf" is about breasts. Naked female breasts. It is not about a Tomb or a Werewolf. There is a wolf man running around but he's just filler until the next breast scene. He just liked to bite into people's necks and then run off. He couldn't run away too fast or else his wolf man beard would have flown off.So a bunch of hunky men and hot women head to an old castle to look for breasts. It doesn't take them long to find them. Beverly Lynne and some other babes take their shirts off with gleeful abandon. It must be the full moon. It brings out the animal in them. Michelle Bauer is the maid of the castle and keeps everyone zonked out on booze and boobies. She has a thing for hairy monster men. Many breasts must come out to play before the beast can be stopped.Suffice to say, this is not a horror movie. However, I did enjoy this film simply because I am a die hard Michelle Bauer fan. Seeing the wolf man run around with his fake beard flopping in the wind almost made me die hard. But then again, seeing Michelle Bauer join the party and take her top off made me jump for joy. Her scene with the girl wearing the blindfold was the highlight of the movie.So once again Michelle Bauer saves another B-movie from total destruction. If you're a Bauer fan, check it out. She's still got it.
moviemanic07 A man who recently inherited a European castle with a rumored hidden treasure invites the buxom crew from a television supernatural show to help him find the treasure. I said buxom crew, because, I believe, that is the whole point of this film. After pre-title sequence where our buxom villainies offers a buxom victim to a strangely-annoyed Lucifer, who appears via a bad special effect, we skip ahead a couple hundred years to the present day where the buxom host of the television show starts getting naked on the sofa with her producer boyfriend, and then…. Wait a minute. Was I hitting on a subtle leitmotif? I decided to hit pause button and went to the trusty IMDb to see whether I was watching a horror movie or soft core porn. I was right to suspect the latter. It seems director Fred Olen Ray has done quite a bit of soft core. Oh well. Nothing wrong with that, unless you were hoping to see a horror movie and there wasn't any thing scary here unless you have an unnatural fear of breasts. Ray, however, is a true professional and he moves things along at a brisk pace, so it really doesn't matter too much if the level of acting fails to rise above that of soft core porn or if the 'action' music theme sounds like a refugee from a mid-90's video game. No thrills or scares here, but if you like breasts….