The Guilt Trip
The Guilt Trip
PG-13 | 19 December 2012 (USA)
The Guilt Trip Trailers

An inventor and his mom hit the road together so he can sell his latest invention.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Michelle I was really surprised at how sweet this little movie is. I don't know why it didn't get better reviews. Rogen plays Andrew Brewster, an awkward chemist trying to hawk a cleaning product (Scioclean) he has developed. Streisand plays his widowed mother Joyce, who spends a tremendous amount of time meddling in her son's life. In an attempt to help Joyce break out of her rut, Andrew suggests they take a Mother-Son road trip across the country together. Unfortunately, that description sells this movie about as well as Rogen's character sells Scioclean. Streisand is very watchable as the chatterbox Jewish mother. She's a fantastic actor, experienced and relaxed, who knows how to sell a scene without being schmaltzy. Rogen is not his usual "hammy" self in The Guilt Trip. He plays the uncomfortably stiff Andrew flawlessly. Mother and son each believe they have the answer to the other's "problems". Like most road trips, they discover more about themselves and each other than they expected.This film is a character study with no real earth-shattering story. If you enjoy films like Mike Leigh's Secrets & Lies, The Guilt Trip might appeal to you.
Floated2 The Guilt Trip (2012) starring Rogen and Streisand. The chemistry between the two stars is very good and it actually is a pleasure to spend time with them. Rogen effectively shows Andy struggling with being supportive of his mother but having to constantly deal with her many faux pas that embarrass him. Meanwhile, Streisand is able to put her more grating qualities aside and conveys a sweetness born from the best of intentions that has her in the audience's good favor from the start.For the film, this winds up being the film's strong suit. The laughs, which are plentiful, are never too ribald or over the top. While the tone is sincere, it never veers into the maudlin and her two leads wisely never overplay their most poignant moments. The Guilt Trip did however have a disappointing box office run as it did flop. Released at a bad timing near the end of 2012, with a budget of $40 million, only made $41 million worldwide. ==================================================================== ====================================================================As a rewatch 08/19/17' The Guilt Trip remains a solid comedy with several decent laughs. The chemistry between the leads is shown but several flaws come out on a second viewing. The film isn't going to be remember as one of Seth Rogen's top tier films, being as it was a flop and not as great as his other films. None the less, the Guilt Trip is a watchable road trip mother-son comedy.
Davis P The Guilt Trip is one of my all time favorite movies. The movie is just so well written and it is also is a pretty emotional film in some parts, it really gives you a good feeling! Barbara Streisand does a wonderful job in this film! She really embodied the character of Joyce, and she had really hilarious scenes, then she was able to have a really dramatic performance in other scenes, which shows her great range, and ya know those Razzie people need to rewatch Barbara's performance in this movie, really????!! A worst actress nomination?! That's a joke, she blew me away in this movie. Seth and Barbara had wonderful chemistry as mother and son, In the first half of the movie Seth is a little rude and sometimes mean towards his mother, but it all fixes itself later on, and it's all apart of the overall plot. So is it completely to see him being so rude to her? Yes. But is it necessary for the movie's plot? Yes. This movie even made me tear up at the end. This movie has real heart in it! And it is a true joy to see! The comedy is top noche and the drama and heart is top noche as well. The Guilt Trip gets a whopping 10/10.
zpartrid I've watched this movie five or more times over the last year. I love the dialog and except for the motel scene where Joyce swears at Andy I loved the whole movie. It's a simple and real story; the movie feels real to me. Joyce is so annoying yet it's an annoyance based on a mother's love for her son. Seth's love for his mother is also clear and that makes this a touching encouraging story. His constant muttering in answer to his mother's neurotic over concern and busybody actions treating her son like a boy is hilarious. Joyce doesn't have a clue how to treat Seth like an adult. His flippant remarks are never mean spirited, besides, you can't help but being driven nuts by Joyce's constant prying. Seth grows up during the hard experience of almost failing to sell his brilliant creation and being broke. When he is finally able to extract the wisdom of Joyce from all her annoying chattering, the light turns on and he appreciates Joyce in a new way. I like a happy ending and the new appreciation Joyce and Andy have for each other and for themselves. Andy succeeds in his dream and Joyce has closure with a 30 year old heartbreak and now they can move forward. As a very ordinary person I can relate to their dreams.