388 Arletta Avenue
388 Arletta Avenue
| 11 September 2011 (USA)
388 Arletta Avenue Trailers

A young couple find themselves in an unnerving situation with a mysterious stalker.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Leofwine_draca 388 ARLETTA AVENUE is a stalker thriller that's so long-winded, low-key, and drawn-out, that it becomes a literal chore just to sit through it from beginning to end. The box proclaimed that it was from the makers of CUBE, which seems to be a bit of a lie given that CUBE's director and writer aren't involved and producers count for nothing anyway. Unless they had a guy who formerly worked as a runner or tea boy on CUBE and put his name on there for the hell of it.In any case, this is firmly a found footage movie, with an ordinary suburban couple whose lives are being unknowingly filmed by a stalker who has set up dozens of cameras throughout their house. A not-bad premise as it goes, but that's it; that's the story, and nothing else happens. Sure, there are a few incidents involving the police, pets, kidnapping, and the like, but this comes across as a non-supernatural PARANORMAL ACTIVITY but without that film's jump scares or creepy moments. It's just boring.The film's husband protagonist is played by Nick Stahl (TERMINATOR 3), who could equally have played the stalker character. His wife is played by former child actress Mia Kirshner, who has very little to work with. Devon Sawa, former star of FINAL DESTINATION, is in the film as well, and he's aged into a convincingly hard-looking thug which fits his role quite nicely here. A shame they didn't have a real story to go with the set-up.
Nathan Adams Good movie/plot, but poor directing. Could have been more dramatic! For a low budget movie that relies on video camera and stuff, a little more action could have elevated the movie into a block buster. The role of the Bill is very ambiguous. He's not supposed to die the way he died. He should have been given the opportunity to defend himself in a more dramatic way or even be given a better edge as a payback to all the suffering he endured in the hands of James while in school. Police investigation should have been more thorough and done in parallel to what James was doing. Overall it's a good movie with intermittent scenes of actions and suspense, but could have been spinned in a more dramatic manner
fewsternoble The trailer for this promised much, but in actual fact there is very little here. Maybe a great movie for a voyeur, everyone else should stay well away. At around 1hr 26mins it is quite probably a good 26mins too long, and could have been done as a TV special or similar. The main problem is that very little happens apart from the stranger watching them, which is happening from the opening shot, this is then dragged out for the rest of the movie and you find nothing out about the stranger or his/her motives. After an hour we just wanted it to end, and when it did, it gave absolutely nothing away and left you just thinking you should have maybe washed the car or done something useful rather than waste your time on this. This maybe harsh but, sorry, a complete waste of time.
Graeme Baxter Finally, a film in the sub genre that actually works. I want to call this a found footage, however, it's not really, and maybe that's exactly why it works so well - there is no pretense that these events are "real", there are no ridiculous "shaky cam" moments that give you motion sickness.Instead, Randall Cole gives us a solid bit of film-making, taking the POV genre to a new level with a well thought out storyline, excellent character development, and solid direction.It's a story that could easily play out in real life, and Cole seamlessly takes us through the gradual break down of a relationship, one that he hints deliciously that has some deeper, darker demons in the past, but one we don't fully(or indeed need) get to see. The psychological turmoil faced by "James", brilliantly played by Nick Stahl, gets more over-powering as Cole takes on his journey into hell, culminating in a shocking ending that will leave you wanting more.There's a definite feel of "The Poughkeepsie Tapes" about 388 Arletta Avenue, but this is a good thing, because whilst the Tapes has been around for several years, it's still somewhat unheard of and still a groundbreaking movie for what the story contains - 388 Arletta takes the premise and brings it right into your living room.388 Arletta Avenue - unrelenting, unremitting. Unmissable.8/10
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