Jury Duty
Jury Duty
PG-13 | 12 April 1995 (USA)
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When jobless Tommy Collins discovers that sequestered jurors earn free room and board as well as $5-a-day, he gets himself assigned to a jury in a murder trial. Once there, he does everything he can to prolong the trial and deliberations and make the sequestration more comfortable for himself.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Michael_Elliott Jury Duty (1995) BOMB (out of 4)Pauly Shore plays Tommy Collins, a spoiled brat of a human who can't keep a job down. He lives with his mom (Shelley Winters) and thinks he's gotten the "job" of a lifetime when he's offered jury duty, which will provide him free room and bored as well as some fun.When you look back at the 1990's it seems that there were several comedies making some really awful movies. To most people Shore was the most boring and obnoxious of the group of comedies but I honestly enjoyed his act. I loved him in ENCINO MAN as well as SON IN LAW, which allowed him to have the lead spot but after that things started to go rather bad and JURY DUTY is the prime example.I don't know the production history of this movie but at the time the O.J. Simpson case was in the headlines and there's even a joke about it in the film. I'm going to guess that this movie was put into production to try and cash-in on that craze but this is without question one of the worst comedies of the decade.It honestly seems like the screenplay was never finished and they just let Shore loose in a courtroom to be his obnoxious self. Again, I think Shore is funny but it's clear that he has nothing to work with here and you get non-stop annoying jokes that make you want to turn the movie off. It's just not funny and the film just grows more and more aggrevating as it moves along. It's really too bad that more wasn't done with it and especially since there is a nice supporting cast.
The Grand Master I highly dislike Pauly Shore as an actor because he is very untalented and highly unfunny. Some people seem to adore his stand up work and think he was groomed to be one of the biggest stars in comedy. Wrong. A majority of his movies are unlikable thanks to his lack of star appeal. Jury Duty is another one of those duds that is easily one to forget.The plot comes across as moronic and the laughs fall flat. What more can I say? Oh and Pauly Shore helps drive the movie into the ground. Not even Stanley Tucci, Tia Carrere, Brian Doyle-Murray, Shelley Winters and Charles Napier can even redeem this rubbish.Easily one of the most forgettable movies out there, and it looks like this is one of many movies out there that has thankfully not surfaced on DVD or Blu-Ray but instead found itself somewhere on the scrapheap.Don't bother.1/10.
FlashCallahan When jobless Tommy Collins discovers that sequestered jurors earn free room and board as well as $5-a-day, he gets himself assigned to a jury in a murder trial. Once there, he does everything he can to prolong the trial and deliberations and make the sequestration more comfortable for himself......Depending on how you feel about Shore will make or break this film for you. As the box office shows, his popularity and schtick was wearing thin after the likes of Son-In-Law, and In The Army Now, but here, he appears to be that little bit more humble, and thanks to a wealth of support, it doesn't outstay its welcome.It starts off with a random joke about Tuna Salad, and its so leftfield that it is laugh out loud funny, and that's the last time I laughed throughout the film.Don't get me wrong, I smiled during the film, and appreciated a few of the jokes, but I watched this for one reason, I'm so curious about Shores career, he made a massive impact with Encino Man, and the studio gave a rare picture deal, its a kind of sadistic thing to do, but I want to see if the movies were really that bad, because they crashed and burned, but they are nothing out of the ordinary.The film starts like any other of his, a brief introduction, the realisation that he's a little eccentric, the concept, the love interest, he wins over who he wants to, they find out that he's done something selfish, he wins them over again.....end of.It's hardly a spoiler, this tropes happen in the majority of comedies released in the nineties, and they are all harmless enough, much like this.
phillafella JURY DUTY is exactly what you would expect from Pauly Shore: obnoxious, silly and ridiculous. Here, Shore plays a jobless boy who decides he can get himself a free hotel room by posing as a juror for a murder trial. Usually, I give movies what they deserve, but since Shore never made a good movie, I have to give him credit. I mean, here is another guy whose movies were successful at the box office, but had little or nothing to show for it. If you are a fan of Pauly, I doubt you will be disappointed. Others beware, for JURY DUTY will be a real trial to sit through.1 out of 5
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