R | 13 April 2018 (USA)
Krystal Trailers

A young man living a sheltered life develops a crush on a stripper and joins her Alcoholics Anonymous group just so he can be in the same room with her.

Cortechba Overrated
Executscan Expected more
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a 18 year old man who falls for a woman who saved him on a beach.It is enjoyable to see so many recognisable faces and even big names in an independent project. The family portrayed in the film is quite eccentric, and the atmosphere of the film is light hearted. I enjoyed it.
kindercrafty My husband and I enjoyed this movie. We weren't sure what it would be like and were pleasantly surprised. It made me laugh out loud in a few places and was entertaining.
MikeC19 Why did I want to see this movie: I was drawn in by Rosario Dawson, who I think is an attractive actress. I enjoyed her work in "Clerks II", "Top Five" and other movies. I thought, maybe this might be funny. Well, I'll tell you, this is not the case. In fact, the only thing kind of funny, is that William H. Macy directed this flop of a film. The Good: A excellent actor can rise above material, and showcase their skills with ease. Kathy Bates is a good example of this, and really the only thing believable about this whole thing. Rosario Dawson is a looker, and near the end, when her character goes back to a "certain lifestyle", she does decently. I wouldn't say she's an award winning actress, though. But, I guess she did the job of getting me in the theater.The Bad: Everything from the script, to most of the acting is atrocious. This is a comedy with no laughs, caricatures that we've seen dozens of times, and a plodding pace. This is certainly one of the worst films I've seen in a while, and I just can't recommend it in any capacity, not even so bad it's funny. Stay away!
Jon Butler This is the most baffling movie I've seen all year. The characters do not do anything reasonable or logical. They're also not likable at all. I understand that with the director being William H. Macy, they were able to get some well known names for this project, however as a director, Macy just flat out sucks. I've seen his previous attempt at directing, The Layover, and it was an unfunny mess, but enough about that.Taylor's actions in this movie, from quasi-stalking Krystal to lying about being an alcoholic throughout the entire movie, are nothing but irredeemable and awful. Krystal has no character and is extremely malleable to whatever the plot needs her to do. Absolutely no one is putting in their A Work acting wise, especially T.I. who chews the scenery in the worst way every time he's on screen.But you should see this movie because if you enjoy entertainingly awful movies.
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