The Flight Before Christmas
The Flight Before Christmas
| 01 December 2015 (USA)
The Flight Before Christmas Trailers

Two strangers who both happen to be in marketing, share a room at a bed-and-breakfast when a snowstorm strands their flight in Montana on Christmas Eve.

PodBill Just what I expected
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
bikerdadhlv Harsh summary, but it fits. Simply put, the lead character establishes herself as an unattractive shrew for the first 1/3 of the movie. Perhaps there are a lot of women out there that believe a woman like this would get a dreamy guy, but it ain't gonna happen. It's not that she's angry about getting dumped by a butt-nugget. No, her fatal character flaw is that she takes that anger out indiscriminately on others.The movie would perhaps be more believable if she were unattractive and sweet. Or attractive and bitchy, maybe. But, unattractive AND bitchy? (Yes, I know, it's "Hollywood Unattractive", but the bitchiness brings it out.) Not even chime rills and santa's magic can do the trick. (BTW, can we PLEASE find something other than the chime rills anytime Santa or an elf or angel does some magic??)The failure of this one falls on the producer and writers. The "harried guy/gal who's life falls before the holidays" is a staple, but the poor harried sap has got to be Likable at the start. I dunno, perhaps they nailed it if their intended audience, the lonely woman who thinks that being bitchy is being a "strong woman", who can't really figure out why her personal life isn't working out, and is hoping for some magic to fix things. I suppose that may be Lifetime's spin on the Hallmark Christmas romance.
phd_travel Two people meet on a flight from LA back East. She has recently been dumped and he is an a long distance relationship. But of course romance ensues.The dialog is a bit more interesting than the usual Christmas TV movie. There seems to be a subtle message about compatibility of personality over looks. " This is Mayim Bialik's movie. For fans of "Big Bang Theory" where she plays Amy Farrah Fowler - it's a treat to see her. Usually Lifetime or Hallmark Christmas movies don't feature lead romantic actresses who look like or are shaped like her. It's nice to see someone like her leading this type of movie. Ryan McPartlin of "Chuck" is a good enough comedic actor to make his role believable. If you are going to watch one Xmas movie this year this is a good choice.
holograf are you going to tell me that a hundred people worked for a month or so to create this garbage?good looking successful guy falls in love with unattractive woman and drops his beautiful and sweet girlfriend for her. don't waste more than a few min on DVR, laughable implausibility is the only entertainment value. repeating to fulfill length requirement: good looking successful guy falls in love with unattractive woman and drops his beautiful and sweet girlfriend for her. don't waste more than a few min on DVR, laughable implausibility is the only entertainment value.
dmans-899-510846 Absolutely love this movie! Have seen 4 times already and plan to buy so can watch at least 4 more times. These stars are really good & humorous together. Though being opposites, the chemistry works. Mayim has that cute down-to-earth type of look. Really like her acting. Have never seen her in The Big Bang Theory as I have never watched the show. Will be definitely checking it out now. Ryan has that Clark Kent sophisticated type of appearance. Have never heard of him or seen him act before so a pleasant surprise. He would have made a really wonderful Superman too. Definitely one of my new favorite Christmas movies to watch every season.
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