The Device
The Device
NR | 16 December 2014 (USA)
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Abby and Rebecca Powell haven't seen each other since a traumatic event in their youth ripped them apart. Reunited for the first time in over a decade, the sisters take a trip to spread their mother's ashes at a secluded lake. As the sisters reconnect and try to heal old wounds, something waits in the nearby woods. A strange object, made not by the hands of man, beckons them to it. As they begin to try and unlock its secrets, Abby is plagued by nightmares of an alien presence that seem all too real. Little do the sisters realize that this object is actually a device, one with a purpose too horrible to comprehend. As the events of the past and the present begin to merge, new discoveries will threaten to tear apart their newly reformed family, and the inhuman creators of the device will attempt to finish a terrible experiment begun years before.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Nigel P This is a nicely acted film, basically a three-hander, featuring Abbey and Calvin (Angela DiMarco and David S. Hogan), a married couple and Abbey's sister Rebecca (Kate Alden). They characters are meeting up to scatter the ashes of the sisters' dead mother over a secluded lake, and also for them to build bridges following tragic events that are slowly revealed throughout. At the lakeside, Calvin discovers a black shiny ball that seems to contain strange properties. Following his study of the ball, Abbey begins to experience nightmares.This a low budget and slightly ponderous story that requires the three otherwise likeable characters to earnestly try to 'understand each other.' The alien threat which slowly begins to manifest has caused 'The Device' to be compared to The X-Files, which is an understandable comparison. It is a quietly effective story, directed and co-written by Jeremy Berger, who slowly piles on the revelations and backstory in a measured way. Also, Calvin is of note in that he seems to alternate between trying to be rational, and acting downright suspiciously.
cormogram That's the worst film I've ever seen! It's terrible in all aspects.A black ball (a cheap wood billiard ball covered with cheap acrylic black paint) is found and brings white plastic aliens that kill by making people bleed by their noses -- like not even a half cup of fake blood is spilled!Don't waste your time with this piece of shizen!It's not really a sci-fi movie. I bet it was made as a fake production intended to scam the sponsors -- probably from government funds.Special effects? I think they've created a new category in the film industry: "C Movie" -- C for CRAP!Write down this name "Jeremy Berg" and avoid it!
Andrew Stone This movie had a lot of potential for a unique storyline, however it skipped past all that and went straight to basic. I watched this movie because the premise of a random device being found seemed interesting, but that in the end was the only reason to watch. I just wanted to find out what exactly it was so I could stop watching.Visually the movie was great, good shots good flow, great editing. Good music even. The acting wasn't amazing, but it wasn't exactly terrible either. The two sisters I felt were quite good.Overall I would avoid this movie, between a super predictable plot and a slow moving story, this movie is a dull feature I would avoid.
mac-ginty Two sisters and the husband of one of the women go to a cabin to help the younger sister overcome a past trauma. Whilst there they find an alien artifact and proceed to mess about with it because it might be worth some money. The older sister is then plagued by a dream in which an Alien interferes with her. The Alien itself is a man in a cheap Halloween mask.Now at one point a character says this is like an X-files story but its not because the X-files was good. This is a three hander with adequate performances and is well shot but ultimately it is quite boring. There's no big sci fi questions posed and no horror either. Give it a miss.
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