The Dead One
The Dead One
| 01 January 1961 (USA)
The Dead One Trailers

A voodoo priestess sends out zombies to bring back live victims for her sacrificial rituals.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Leofwine_draca Once a lost film, this piece of no-budget zombie hokum is a treat for lovers of B-flicks. It's shot to about the same technical standard as the early H. G. Lewis films, but with less locations and effects work; it tells of a man revived from the dead by a sinister voodoo ritual, and his subsequent rampage through a remote farmhouse. Actually, the zombie – who looks pretty effective in his rotten yellow makeup and funeral suit – just kind of wanders around for a while, causes a woman to die of fright and then disappears in a puff of smoke, but that's all right by me! Cheese is the order of the day here, with a handful of cast members giving sometimes excruciating performances (Monica Davis is particularly appalling and it 's a wonder she had a career after this). The first half hour treats us to a show of New Orleans by night, complete with exotic dancers – the husband takes his new bride to a strip club on their honeymoon night, go figure – and plenty of musicians doing their thing. Then the action shifts to the remote farmhouse, where our central couple are joined by a dancer called Bella Bella and the black servants (slaves?) are fomenting unrest.This zombie flick is slow paced and sometimes boring, with poor dialogue and worse acting. But I found myself liking it. It is what it is: it doesn't make the mistake of trying too hard, and at just over an hour it doesn't outstay its welcome, either. It's a good example of the horror film at the beginning of the 1960s, when things were changing for the better, and Clyde Kelly's shambolic zombie isn't far off the creations Romero brought to life in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. So, yeah. B-movie fans should enjoy this one.
Uriah43 This film (also known as "Blood of the Zombie" ) is one of those movies that could have been much better if the acting had been at least average. But it wasn't and the results speak for itself. Essentially, "John Carlton" (John McKay) is a young man who by getting married inherits a plantation as stipulated in a will. So he and his bride, "Linda Carlton" (Linda Ormand) drive into the Louisiana countryside to legally claim it. The problem is that his cousin, "Monica" (Monica Davis) has no intention of giving it up even though John Carlton offers her half of it. Realizing that the plantation will be all hers if something happens to the bride, Monica resorts to voodoo and raises a zombie to kill Linda. Anyway, rather than giving the entire story away I'll just say that this movie had a good location and decent storyline. John McKay turned in an adequate performance as did Linda Ormand and the nightclub dancer "Bella Bella" (Darlene Myrick) to a lesser degree. But what really killed this film was the acting of Monica Davis who sounded as if she was reading her lines for the very first time. In short, this film is worth a look only if you're an extreme fan of zombie films. Otherwise, just skip it.
lastliberal Writer/Director/Producer Barry Mahon, who gave us Santa and the Three Bears, started out with cheesy flicks like this one, also known as Blood of the Zombie.Despite the low grade script by Mahon, and the Grade Z acting, this was a fascinating zombie picture, set appropriately in New Orleans.John MacKay may be investigating fellow cops on "Law & Order" but this baby is in his early career. His wife, Linda Ormond, was probably too ashamed to make another movie, as was the zombie, Uncle Jonas (Clyde Kelly), who was the perfect zombie. he had the clothes and the walk and the movement down pat. He should be in the Zombie Hall of Fame, if there is one.Good for a laugh and a look at the career work of Barry Mahon, an interesting character.
zeppo-2 So says the leading man and he should know! Then again he keeps saying similar statements throughout this film, even when voodoo evidence is staring him in the face. But he isn't the sharpest tool in the box, after marrying his lovely new bride, he brings her back to the family's ancestral home and what does he do on their honeymoon? Shows her around the old slaves quarters and the burial crypts...Romantic fool or what?This zombie film falls into the old style, where the creatures stumble around while following the will of another. Unlike the brain eating ones from 'Night of the living dead' film and onwards. At least this one here is natty dressed in a suit and bow-tie, always good to look your best when your long dead.Reading between the lines, it looks like the producers of this film must have got some financial backing from the New Orleans tourist board as the first half hour takes in the jazz clubs and exotic dance bars of the city. A very slight story here in itself, the new groom's cousin wants the family business for herself and enlists her dead brother through voodoo to get rid of him and his friends. Only one person is killed, the annoying exotic dancer they picked up on the way and due to her appalling acting, I wasn't that sad to see her go! After gatecrashing the voodoo ceremony and throwing the beaten drum out the window and giving his cousin a good slap, our hero saves the day. Sudden sunlight finally does for the zombie brother, seems a lack of drum beat and sunlight are things that finish off these creatures. Here's me thinking it was a good bullet in the old noggin.At least the short running time is one thing in this film's favour but very little else. Still, I can now add to my fellow reviewer here, that there are now three (count 'em) people who have seen this film.Or in the immortal words of New Orleans jazz club owner puts it before launching into a piano solo, "What's happening, dad?"Er...not a lot actually....