009-1: The End of the Beginning
009-1: The End of the Beginning
NC-17 | 07 September 2013 (USA)
009-1: The End of the Beginning Trailers

In a universe where the Cold War never ended and growing conflicts result in the rapid advancement of technological warfare, the cyborg spy Mylene Hoffman of the 00 Organization battles the agents of the Eastern block in a game of high tech espionage.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
reallytorkedoff-87464 I'm aware there is a whole genre that this movie falls into (pink or pink violence), but that is not enough to redeem it. I am amazed that it was not more evident that this movie falls into this category. IMDB could have been more clear about this fact.Hopefully my review will make it more apparent.Unless you're really into this sort of stuff (I'm not), this movie will be a waste of your time. Production values are middling to low and the plot is pretty thin. It's mostly sex, nudity and gunfire.Enjoy!
lost-in-limbo Sometimes the idea is better then the execution. While slickly presented, the overdone plotting within a very small time frame makes it feel like a disconnected mess. That's the issue regarding the shot-on-video adaptation of 1970s spy manga "009-1: The End of the Beginning". A beautiful, but deadly cyborg spy 009-1 tries to rescue the doctor who made her a cyborg, but on this mission she begins to discover things of her past. It doesn't waste any time on filler, but it just feels shallow trying to squeeze a lot in. Therefore the development and emotional context loses out. Contrived story-telling involving twists and turns alongside jaded flashbacks don't have the impact as they should. Maybe this is due to the low-end budget, but certain things felt lazy and half- baked. Just like the computer effects. Now where it didn't lose focus, was the action. This remains non- stop and bloody, as it showers the screen with fireworks. They really do punch away, other times it's over-the-top and there's some bite. But the use of special effects in those scenes do become tiring, as well long-winded. Still there are some surprises, despite the run-of-the-mill set-up. You could say it does get hot and bothered, just look at those sexy outfits and the sensual teasing. Strangely enough, it's part of the story. The cast don't have too much to work with material-wise, but psychically it's a different story. Performances are stereotypical all round, but the stunning Mayuko Iwasa fits right at home as 009- 1. She brings the right temperament to her character, as her humane compassion starts to break away that ice-cold killing machine instinct.
grantss It is some time in the future and a new world order has emerged, pitting the Western Block against the Eastern Block. J-Country is the border between the two powers. Mylene Hoffman is an undercover agent for the Western Block. She is also a cyborg, 009-1. She is good at her job, eliminating many of the West's enemies. However, while under her protection, her creator, Dr Klein, is kidnapped. Her employer blames 009-1 and suspends her. She doesn't take this well...Reasonably entertaining sci fi action-drama. Pretty basic storyline, though with enough twists and turns to keep you interested.Main focus, of course, is on the action scenes, and they come thick and fast. I'm generally not into action movies - they tend to be very formulaic and their action scenes unoriginal - but this seemed different and kept me interested.One reason my concentration was maintained was due to Mayuko Iwasa starring as 009-1. She is great on the eyes and definitely makes the movie more watchable than it otherwise would have been.
ulrichburke I don't do many reviews, but I had to put the other two guys here to rights. First of all, it's a totally feminist film All the main parts - good and bad - are women with really well-developed characters. You see, feel and sympathise with all the suffering that men have put them through, turning them into cyborgs, even into artificial zombies, forcing them to fight and kill against their will. The men in the movie are stereotyped cyphers, the characters you feel and root for are all women. It may be called sci-fi, but I saw many ways men treat women this badly in real life and cheered as the men got all they deserved - MAYBE SLIGHT SPOILER COMING UP...!! - all the bloodiest kills were on men and I thought every one deserved all he got! There's also a LOT of feminine sensuality throughout the movie but it's VERY tastefully handled, hardly any flesh, all implied and the better for that. The storyline's superb in a Manga way - each mission leaves the character learning more about herself until she has the power to regain control of her own life from the exploitation of Men - how historically accurate is THAT! If you're up for a full-on, feminist action flick where you'll cheer as every man gets what he deserves, this is the best movie you'll see in ages. I really think women will identify with the heroine, long, as I did, to kill the men who warped and twisted the women she meets along the way - and cheer as those men meet their bloody but beautifully done demises. Even - MAYBE ANOTHER SLIGHT SPOILER....!! - the 'baddie' woman is only the way she is because of what men did to her, I found myself sympathising with her, too.It's got depth, it's got great character development (in the women, the men are intentional stereotypes) it's got a TON of Manga action, it's been made with huge heart and feeling for its source material, it hides its lack of budget with great stylishness and verve. If you love Manga, you'll feel you're an actual part of its world. If you're a woman, please watch it, you'll feel rejuvenated, like you've got revenge on every idiot male who's ever crossed your path. And Men - if you come across a lady who's seen this flick - beware!! Films like this deserve more faith from their backers and a far wider cinema audience. Eight out of ten stars, easy. Chris.
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