The Con
The Con
PG-13 | 04 March 1998 (USA)
The Con Trailers

A lonely gas station attendent in Mississippi falls in love with a con woman who wants to get her hands on an inheritance he doesn't know about.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
merklekranz "The Con" is much more than just a scam film. There are rare moments of "black comedy", and a nice romance with some scenes almost teetering on tears. William H. Macy has perfected playing interesting introverted characters, such as the meek garage mechanic he plays here. Rebecca De Mornay is convincing as the "hitch and ditch" prospective bride. Except for the ending which is predictable, the film has a few unexpected moments. The acting is solid, and character development is quite good. It was nice to see Mike Nussbaum somewhat resurrect his con artist character from "House of Games". All in all, "The Con", is a way above average TV movie, that is worth seeking out. - MERK
secragt Many TV Movies use titillation and tabloid pablum as a hook / come on. This one starts with a slow and obvious setup, but just as it appears headed toward MOW cliché-ville at several key points, the train switches tracks and takes you somewhere still familiar but decidedly unexpected. The result, while hardly groundbreaking, is eminently superior to most made-for-TV fare.Mamet graduate Macy obviously recognizes the lack of heart in even his mentor's best and most intricately-produced cons from The Spanish Prisoner to The Heist to House of Games and gives an extra helping of humanity in this film. Macy's body of work shows grifts clearly interest him, but surprisingly, most of the scams in this movie are not very clever or original. Still, the care with which DeMornay's and Macy's characters are laid out is the real con of the movie. The realistic way DeMornay insinuates herself into Macy's character's life and the special attention given to their bizarre courtship rings surprisingly true, an important foundation for what follows.Playing fair with credibility is a strong point to the story. In a nice move, Macy's character initially appears to be an all too easy and dull-witted mark but we soon learn Macy actually harbors well-founded suspicions about DeMornay. Demornay gently overcomes these but Macy remains realistically worried about "why a woman like you would want with a guy like me." Later, when DeMornay's bad news crony/boyfriend catches up with her in Mayberry, we are given a logical explanation on how he tracked her down (thru the shady player DeMornay enlists to impersonate her sister), something most con movies trying to ratchet up conflict never bother to explain. This one does.The movie also has a sweet and unexpected interlude wherein DeMornay finds herself forced to teach elementary school, resulting in her helping a troubled kid in spite of herself. This is a moment where we expect the con to unravel but events conspire to allow DeMornay get away with things a little while longer. It is a pleasant surprise and the kid's character is utilized later with a decent payoff, as well.Plot points are organized such that we are privy to Macy's early knowledge of his inheritance and we question why he doesn't confront DeMornay immediately, but the explanation comes later in dialogue with his momma (nicely played by Frances Sternhagen, Cliff Clavin's crotchety mom from CHEERS.) Macy reveals that he knew what DeMornay was doing but didn't care because he was bored with his life and she made his life interesting and him happy. He was willing to ride it out and see where it went, with no illusions or expectations. Nicely handled.There are some flaws. DeMornay's faked death at the climax fools no one. Honestly, none of the cons could be called original. Beyond the leads, there are a few too many good ole boy southern caricatures. Still, giving the mark unexpected dignity and common sense helps to lift and challenge DeMornay to good effect. DeMornay's moral transformation at the end is a little pat but somehow Macy has earned it by understanding what she is and choosing not to judge. One doubts whether they will stay together long term, but the conceit of the movie suggests that DeMornay has been slightly redeemed by Macy and hopefully won't do him dirt. By the same token, this movie won't seduce you with its beauty or change your life with dizzyingly witty repartee, but it still has its charms and cleans up nice.
TxMike SPOILERS - William H Macy writes quirky little movies and this is one of them. He also stars, however instead of his usual character he is a meek, trusting Southerner. I've always liked DeMornay, from her role in "Risky Buisness" to "Hand That Rocks the Cradle." She has a mysterious, feline, sexy look, even when she is dressed as a common southerner. She is the con woman who sets out to get Macy to fall for her. In the process she actually finds she likes him, has to fake her death and cremation to escape the "mob", and the film ends with the two of them driving off in his truck, presumably to start a new life together. Good entertainment, especially for fans, like me, of DeMornay and Macy.
zig-zag When this little number is screening there is no time to look away.There is not one wasted scene and no frivolous dialogue,even background babble is relevant to key events.Like a conversation only partially overheard, the viewer sits forward in the seat closely observing in case the slightest detail gets missed.For me this has all the wonderment of a '50s UK B&W quota quickie, and like Lola Rennt(1998) pace and a tight time limit to grab the cash or it's curtains. The Con(1998) is to me one film which I feel I have been waiting forever for someone to make and for me to see.Like Stalag 17(1953), knowing the ending only gives a new reason for re-viewing and subsequent viewing reveals more and more detail , as well as unfolding the strong depth of character Rebecca de Mornay developed for Nancy. For me not even A Fish Called Wanda(1988) can match this one for fast paced ingenuity on the part of the leading lady.William H Macy is brilliant,portraying the character his co-writing developed and the supporting cast seem born to play their roles.Currently my all time favourite US film.