The Birds II: Land's End
The Birds II: Land's End
R | 19 March 1994 (USA)
The Birds II: Land's End Trailers

Ted and his family have just moved to the sleepy coastal town of Gull Island so that he can complete work on his thesis. Everything couldn’t seem more picturesque about their new, seaside home… that is, except for the increasing number of aggressively behaving birds.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Marxist_Bros It's a rare thing that a sequel made decades later can surpass the quality of the original, but such is the case for The Birds II: Land's End.Rick Rosenthal, of Halloween II and Halloween: Resurrection, cements himself with this film as this generation's Alfred Hitchcock. Every now and then, a visionary director will take a stale premise and breathe life and energy into the project. This is where Rosenthal surpasses Hitchcock in every respect. For instance, while the original "The Birds" is well regarded as a "classic", few remember that it was originally in black and white. While Hitchcock struggled to capture color on film, Rosenthal displays a wide range of them, effortlessly. While the first film presented the audience with two-dimensional antagonists, Land's End takes us deep within the minds of the birds- making for a much more frightening experience. We empathize with the birds, but Rosenthal deftly balances this with their carnal, innate evil, to the point where it's difficult not to root for them. There's a carnal sexuality to these birds that was sorely lacking from the original. Where they were simply black and white before, now the birds are brought to life, more complex (and sexy) than ever before. I recommend this film to students of film, fans of fun, and generally anyone looking to have a "hoot" of a time. It's clear no one on this production was "eating crow" after filming. All around, this is a "coo" movie, not for the jay-ded.
Michael_Elliott The Birds II: Land's End (1994) * (out of 4)After the tragic death of their son, a husband and wife move with their two young daughters to a home by the ocean coast. It doesn't take long for the father to suspect that something strange is going on with the local birds and soon enough all humans are under attack. You really can't blame the producers for trying to do a sequel to the Alfred Hitchcock film, after all, the sequel to PSYCHO turned out extremely well but you can blame them for not coming up with a better screenplay. I've never been a big fan of the Hitchcock original but this sequel is just a complete mess from the word go. For starters, the screenwriters must have thought that people would want to sit around for a hour without anything good happening. We basically sit around for a hour just watching the lead character try to warn people about the birds and everything thinking he's crazy. We also have to sit around and watch the wife get hit up on by her boss who has one of the worst and most unfunny sense of humors in film history. It really doesn't help that the two daughters are among the most annoying children to ever be seen in a motion picture. Right from the start of the picture you can't help but be annoyed with the entire family so it's hard to really care about what happens to them. The film lacks any suspense and once the bird attacks do happen they're more funny than anything else and that's not good in a thriller. The performances in the film aren't much better, the characters are all forgettable and add in the fact that there's no suspense and you're left with a rather worthless film. Even the brief appearance by Tippi Hedren isn't enough to make this worth sitting through. THE BIRDS II: LAND'S END is a rare film that actually lives up to its bad reputation.
bwanaart This movie; "Birds II - Land's End" would be an excellent movie to help distinguish a truly "B" Sci-Fi movie...from one that deserves even less recognition.The leading star; Brad Johnson (who also made an equally entertaining movie about attacking copperhead snakes recently) was as 'vanilla' as one can get. It's quite surprising to find that he continues to get work as an 'actor'. Yes, he's good looking; a tall, handsome, strapping lad...but an actor? He actually makes money as an actor? Chelsea Field seemed to be in a constant, frustrating state of 'breeding mode' which detracted from her exceedingly limited character. Her skill as an actress is questionable at best, but as all know, many make a career with only physical attributes as assets.And Tippi Hedren, (who looks like someone's 'lifted' her face so often...her chin no longer seems to connect with her neck) offered very little as 'ballast'. It was good to see her, though. It's nice that she could be in on the anticipated 'death knell' of the whole 'vicious bird' mentality. Her presence offered 'nostalgia' at least.If not for the performance of Jan Rubes, one could speculate that the entire movie was a sophomoric rendition produced in your local high school auditorium. He was the only actor that had depth in the entire movie.The plot? Well, one could use more words to define the anemia of the plot than were used to write the plot.Is there anything positive about the movie? Certainly. I caught myself laughing often as the birds were coming, going or attacking one of the actors like a cartoon character. You could see the birds were 'tied' to the actor, struggling and flapping frantically to simply get away.The 'special effects' people showed the same level of professionalism as Brad and Chelsea did (if there were special effects people on this movie). They failed so badly that one couldn't keep a straight face.What do we do when birds (water birds who fly in the air) attack in massive swarms...from the air? (From where else would they?) Why, we disdain the buildings, shops, garages and other structures with roofs and walls around the dock and we take our wife and children, climb into a dinghy...and race as quickly as we can out in the open water...where there is absolutely no shelter at all! Yes, that summarizes the plot. Perhaps, we all should shut our TV's and join them in the bay? Be sure to bring an umbrella!
demunfallopferseinefrau In one interview, Tippi Hedren once stated that, in order to raise money for her big cats, she would take any part that's offered to her. That explains why she did many of the movies she did in the 1990s, and it is not up to us to judge her for that.Well, as for this movie: It must be one of the worst movies EVER made! Miss Hedren does her best to save this ship from sinking, but she fails due to the lack of scenes and a badly written script. There isn't ANYTHING good about this movie. (The talents of the actors are wasted here, everyone involved has never been as bad as in "The Birds II: Land's End". The photography, the "special effects", the editing... BAD, BAD, BAD!) The director must have been sleeping!If you can avoid this film, please do so, you'll spare yourself a huge disappointment. 1 out of 10.