The Biggest Bundle of Them All
The Biggest Bundle of Them All
| 17 January 1968 (USA)
The Biggest Bundle of Them All Trailers

A kidnapped mobster (Vittorio De Sica) persuades his captors to help him rob platinum ingots from a train.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Lawbolisted Powerful
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
tedg Spoilers herein.Someone already stole whatever might have been worth something in this film. The best comment is in the film itself, when the tired lifeless gangster directs the operation by shouting `one, two, three, four' and the hapless crew laconically walks through their paces. That's just what we have here with this brainless cast.Hollywood should know by now that if they want a sexy girl, they have to get someone who has enough talent to create the effect.The director is precisely like the capo: without control or effect. The film is precisely like the airplane: it lost whatever it could have brought to us.
moonspinner55 Mindless, 'wacky' nonsense involving sorry group of thieves in Italy who hope to rob Old World mobster Vittorio De Sica out of 50 grand...unfortunately, he's broke. Plan B has the team plus De Sica and criminal mastermind Edward G. Robinson joining forces to steal five million in platinum ingots from a train. Inane, overlong caper with mostly obnoxious characters (particularly Robert Wagner's, who keeps barking insults like a tough Sammy Davis, Jr.: "I've had it, baby, can you dig it?"). Raquel Welch is bouncy as the one girl in the bunch, and anyone watching will end up just watching her. Ken Annakin directed, without flair, style or humor. *1/2 from ****
taruss I caught this flick on the trail end of a tape I had used to capture a movie I truly wanted to wanted to see again. When I saw Raquel Welch's name in the opening credits, I decided to watch it. It was actually mildly entertaining, and took me back "in the wayback machine" to the farcical movies that Hollywood churned out during the sixties, much in the same genre as the current Austin Powers stuff. Oh the acting was not superb, nor was the plot, but it was worth watching. There was some delightful scenery, although Ms. Welch provided the most pleasant of such. Tape it if you get the chance and watch it when you have absolutely nothing else to do. It is not a snoozer, but it won't have you rolling in the aisles wanting more, either.
Sycotron Not a truly funny movie, but it is amusing. Watching Robert Wagner acting tough is very amusing. Of course there is Raquel in all her splendor. Watching her go-go with Edward G. Robinson (!) is worth the price of admission alone. The supporting characters do the best they can with the cartoon characters they are given to enact. And you get to watch Godfrey Cambridge play the violin!
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