Terror Trap
Terror Trap
| 22 September 2010 (USA)
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Driving to a weekend getaway, a car breakdown strands young couple Don and Nancy (David James Elliot and Heather Marsden) while passing through a small, rural Louisiana town. Finding the couple on the roadside, the towns inhospitable Sheriff Taylor (Jeff Fahey) tells them therell be no one to repair their car before morning. He directs them to a nearby motel for the night run by Carter (Michael Madsen). Checking into the seedy, rundown establishment, Don and Nancy have no way of knowing how this place deals with outsiders. Badge aside, the Sherriff answers to Carter, as do a gang of twisted, masked kidnappers, torturers, and killers. By the time Don and Nancy realize whats happening, its too late to flee. They must fight to survive the night, or be the next victims of the Terror Trap...

Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
m-skee For the first time ever I was rooting for the death of a main character. Nancy needs to die. She has zero redeeming qualities. Straight up bi!ch to every single person. I wanted to kill her myself. And her hubby Don? He's just a whipped, spineless, slow idiot. He claimed to be a Marine vet. I'd have an easier time believing he was a Girl Scout. The movie itself is just a terrible Vacancy ripoff. Basically the same plot but with extra "horrors" thrown in. And it's not like Vacancy was all that good to begin with. So imagine it as a low budget slow crawler of a movie. That's this. You cannot get your time back if you watch it - so I recommend NOT watching it in the first place!
GL84 Stopping off at a motel in a small town to rest for the night, a man and his wife find the area a front for a group of criminals to make videos of them torturing people to demented passersby and force them to fight the group off to get away alive.Overall this was a rather tedious, tired retread without a lot of interesting moments about it. One of the biggest issues with this one is the rather bland and tiresome story here that is quite unimpressive with how it gives out its plot points. The revelation about the secret organization is not only given quite early from the set-ups showing the cameras hidden around the room or listening into their conversations but also seems obvious based on their insistence upon staying, the general sleazy atmosphere and the completely desolation location that continues on throughout here. These here really hurt the first half by dragging this out through a series of scenes designed to build up suspense yet never does anything for that factor in a tired example of the style. There's also a big problem here in the boredom it takes before the first attack by showing them doing nothing of interest around the hotel or fighting with each other which makes this extremely taxing to get through because of the problems with the couple and the lack of the group in action in the beginning. These here are enough to hold off against the few minor areas of enjoyment here, starting with the action throughout the final half as the masked men make for some enjoyable times here tending to the various escape tactics present with the race for the booby-trapped car, the break-in attempt on the motel room and finally the big brawls here throughout that are quite fun and tend to really get some excitement going. That frantic action here not only gives the section some nice gore but also a pretty thrilling way to work the creepy looks of the masks the gangs' wearing during these interactions that add a darker overall tone to these proceedings. Still, all of these aren't enough to overcome the main flaws with this one which is overall quite problematic and flawed.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
Leofwine_draca TERROR TRAP is bottom-of-the-barrel stuff, an undisguised rip-off of VACANCY, a film which was hardly original to begin with. This bargain-basement B-movie sees an unlikeable middle-aged couple break down in the middle of nowhere and unwisely check in to a remote motel which turns out to be inhabited by voyeuristic psychopaths with murder in mind. What follows will surprise nobody, and indeed the biggest thing about this movie is the effort required to stay awake throughout it.It's amateur night all around when it comes to production values, with a poor script and worse direction failing to elicit any kind of tension from the obvious premise. At one point the director is so desperate for thrills that he's reduced to shooting a scene straight from a softcore porn movie to try to flog new life into the narrative, but it's a failed attempt. It doesn't help that Heather Marsden's female lead is one of the most irritating I've seen in a movie in a while, grouching and bitching her way through the script and making every viewer hope she'll shut up and die soon.The two familiar-faces-fallen-on-hard-times here are Michael Madsen and Jeff Fahey, neither of them a stranger to B-movie fare. Madsen makes no effort whatsoever, just sort of plodding his way through the production and disappearing for long intervals, while Fahey shouts a lot and makes you feel sorry for him considering Robert Rodriguez's PLANET TERROR wasn't so long ago. TERROR TRAP is dismal indeed.
trashgang I liked the cover of this Blu Ray and by getting it extremely cheap I gave my pocket a go. A go for two reasons one already know, the second because Michael Madsen was in it and Jeff Fahey. But what a let down on the part of Madsen. He's just in it for the money, what a bad acting he gave here. On part of Jeff I liked him, he got a kind of look I like. I liked him in Machete (2010) as Michael Booth just before this flick was made.The story isn't really original but the fact that it's low on gore and also low on red stuff this fails completely. There are killings going on but nothing is shown. All off-camera. Just one shot involves a bit of red stuff when we look in room 5 we do see a girl in blood. But let that be all we do see for a horror geek. Still you want to know how it ends but even that I didn't like. Moving back to Carter (Madsen) and seeing him as a tough guy just didn't work. People warned me that it looked like Vacancy (2007) and somehow it does or it also looks like a house being invaded. But this time you been trapped without terror.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5