Terror in the Wax Museum
Terror in the Wax Museum
NR | 02 May 1973 (USA)
Terror in the Wax Museum Trailers

Terrifying wax figures of renowned personalities, such as Attila the Hun and Jack the Ripper, surround the sale of a London museum.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Rainey Dawn Terror in the Wax Museum is not a remake of Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) nor it's remake House of Wax (1953). I can see this film makes a "nod" towards Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) but the two stories are different from one another.I was 1 year old in 1973 (the year this film came out) but I must have been about 3 or 4 years of age when I first saw Terror in the Wax Museum because I do have memories of this movie way back then - a couple of memories vivid. This is one of the films that scared me when I was a kid... yes this movie was still a new film back then and as a kid it was terrifying! Wax figures "coming to life" (the dream sequences) and mainly Jack the Ripper - Oh yes I was afraid way back then.I finally had a chance to watch this movie again all these years later and I have to say it's not all that scary to me any more but it is a good film surrounding a wax museum! The one idea that is still creepy to me is the idea of someone "hiding behind" (pretending to be) a wax figure to commit murder. Not to mention the true stories behind each wax display. So there is a bit of horror in this film - it's just not the blood and guts type of horror that we see in movies today.I enjoyed the film - I give it 8 stars BUT I have some personal memories from my childhood attached to this film so I have to give it an extra star - an extra star for my childhood memories.9/10
dougandwin Caught this awful movie on TV the other night, and could see how bad it was going to be in the first 5 minutes, but because of the cast list, I just had to watch it. I cannot yet believe that a couple of Oscar winners could sink to this level, no matter how badly they needed the money. Ray Milland (must have felt he was in a DT scene from his great "Lost Weekend") and Broderick Crawford, probably glad he was done in half-way through, hit rock bottom. Some well-known supporting players of yesteryear were also there like Louis Hayward, Elsa Lanchester (looking even worse than she did in "Bride of Frankenstein") and Patric Knowles (who must have wished he was back in Sherwood with Errol Flynn). Oh, the story was terrible , but no worse than the acting, except for the wax figures who showed more animation than the stars. This was a real doozie - so bad it was watchable!
didi-5 This is one of those cheapo horror flicks that were churned out in the 60s/70s, using lots of people who'd been big stars in the 30s and 40s, and not really giving them that much to do. Elsa Lanchester comes off best in this one, as her value didn't diminish much over the years (and she never looked any different!). Not that scary, apart from one or two disturbing bits, the plot is wafer thin and one of those that when you get to the end you keep thinking 'but ...'. And poor Shani Wallis and that dreadful song! But, overall, it is fun and has that weird curiosity value of 'where have I seen him/her before'? for those of us who watch old black and white stuff on a regular basis. Worth tracking down but could have been much, much better.
Boodikka This is a cheaper BCP film than ARNOLD, and much less fun! What a terrible waste of a good cast.....the greatest horror is listening to poor Shani Wallis sing that stupid song OVER and OVER! What a shame to see a good singer/actress such as Wallis go from OLIVER to these BCP cheapies.