Midnight Manhunt
Midnight Manhunt
NR | 27 July 1945 (USA)
Midnight Manhunt Trailers

Two reporters search for a missing body in a wax museum.

Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
gridoon2018 It's been a while since I've rated a movie so low, and I hope it will be an even longer while before it happens again. There is cheap, and then there is "Midnight Manhunt"; this picture looks like it was thrown together in three days, in three sets, with three thousand dollars. As rival reporters looking for a missing body, William Gargan and Ann Savage will not exactly make you forget Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn. And there are so many unfunny supporting characters gumming up the proceedings that even George Zucco, who plays it straight as the villain, cannot save the film. See a Torchy Blane movie instead. Any Torchy Blane movie. * out of 4.
tavm This was the only film Leo Gorcey made outside of the East Side Kids series which would soon become the Bowery Boys after a year or so. He plays a worker at a museum that displays dummies of gangsters. The stars are William Gargan and Ann Savage as a couple of reporters mixed up in the mystery which takes place during one late night a murder takes place. I'll just now say this was quite a compact thriller with plenty of good humor to liven the proceedings. Among the players is someone from my favorite movie-It's a Wonderful Life, a Charles Halton-who was Carter, the bank examiner in IAWL- who has quite a lot of screen time here as the easily tired owner of the place! So on that note, I recommend Midnight Manhunt.
bkoganbing William Gargan and Ann Savage play a pair of reporters for rival papers who were once involved, but now are trying to top each other for a scoop involving the shooting of a man thought to be long dead. George E. Stone starts out the film as quite lively, but right at the beginning he's shot by George Zucco and then Stone has quite an odyssey once he doesn't have a pulse.After being shot Stone staggers over and dies in a nearby wax museum that is run by Charles Halton and his loquacious assistant Leo Gorcey. As it happens Savage lives above the museum. Between Halton and Gorcey wanting to dispose of the body and Savage and Gargan trying to scoop the other this film gets pretty funny at times. And of course there's Zucco who wants the body for his own nefarious purposes.Midnight Manhunt is a great example of some really creative people with little budget turning out a pretty good piece of entertainment. Those creative folks are the fabled B producing team of William Pine and William Thomas. Check this one out folks, you won't be disappointed.
sol ***Major Spoilers*** With free-lance hit man Jelke, George Zucco, tracking down his quarry diamond thief Peter Bernett, George E. Stone, from Uruguay South America to a mid-town Manhattan hotel he surprises and guns him down when he answers the door. Taking $250,000.00 in diamonds that Barnett had on him Jelke goes to call a cab to have Barnett's body taken and later dumped, by Jelke, in the East River.There's also an alert for a New York gangster Joe Wells who's been either dead or on the lamb for five years and the state is willing to pay $5,000.00 to find and prove who he is, dead or alive. You see both Peter Barnett & Joe Wells are one and the same person. Wells badly hurt from being shot by Jelke struggles to his feet and staggers across the street from his hotel to the Last Gangster Wax Museum and collapses and dies. Later girl reporter Sue Gallagher, Ann Savage, finds the dead Wells on the museum staircase and hides it so that she can later get the reward for proving that the elusive Joe Wells case has finally been solved. Unknown to her and the police and Sue's friends Jelke has a lot more to gain if Joe Wells stays lost then they do in having him found. Humorous crime/drama about a stiff, Joe Wells, who stiffed everyone looking for him by getting stiffed and hidden in the car trunk of police let.Max Hurley,Don Beddoe, who's been in charge of finding the stiff for five years. George Zucco seems too refined and sophisticated to be a hoodlum in the movie, he's much better playing mad doctors and scientists. There's also that expert in the proper use of diction in the English language Leo Gorcey, Clutch Tracy, in the film playing an attendant at the wax museum who shows us how he can magically make a lighted cigar butt last for over an hour which was the length of the movie.