Tale of a Vampire
Tale of a Vampire
| 05 February 1993 (USA)
Tale of a Vampire Trailers

Condemned to life without end, and to an undying passion for a lost love he can never find, a vampire stalks a beautiful young woman.

Micitype Pretty Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Uriah43 The first thing I'd like to say about this movie is that the synopsis is incorrect. While the vampire "Alex" (Julian Sands) does in fact drink the blood of animals, it also clearly shows him drinking the blood of humans and he admits doing so as well. So it isn't like he's a "pacifist" or the vampire equivalent of a vegetarian or anything. I say this in order to make the mood of the movie more understandable. It's a dark film and I think Julian Sands does a good job showcasing the brooding and sad state of emotion that has come over him. Likewise, Suzanne Hamilton (as both "Anne" and "Virginia") also shows a certain sense of loneliness that is necessary for the character as well as a sober film of this type. To be sure, this is not an action-packed film with all of the usual clichés thrown in for good measure. The vampires in this film can function during the day without bursting into flames and there are no scenes of wooden stakes through the heart. So some viewers may not enjoy the film because of the lack of action or preset notions they have come to expect. On the other hand, I don't believe that this is a film without flaws either. In some parts it is both slow and dull and I think it was due more to the director (Shimako Sato) trying to create something "artistic" rather than something just simply enjoyable. But that's just my opinion. I also would have preferred that Julian Sands had shown a bit more passion instead of keeping things so lifeless and understated. In short, this isn't a bad movie. But I don't think it set any new standards of excellence either.
wendyrlh I have to say this: the reason i liked this films is double. First, because of Julian Sands, of course, he is very handsome and a very attractive and believable vampire. The second is that I loved the twisted end about this Edgar Clemm being Edgar Allan Poe and taking revenge on poor Alex, although the actor chosen to portray Poe was a little bit of a disappointment. It is a pity, however, that the movie is so slow, and so short. A little more of vampire romance and more flashbacks of the XIX century Baltimore would had been a nice gesture to all vampire and Gothic fans. Also I watched it entirely dubbed on Spanish language which, I guess, diminished the possibility of hearing the original voices of the actors. I enjoyed the loneliness of the main character and laughed at the scene of the bloody-finger-kiss. All in all, the movie is a good effort in story telling and very valuable for us, vampire fans, who tend to be very romantic.
alanandfreya This is by far the best Vampire film I have ever seen. Finally a film which is based on character rather than driven by plot and endless gore. Wonderfully shot and with great performances from all involved. Highly recommended! So often films are influenced by the likes of Interview with the Vampire and other post-Rice trash, which contain a romanticised view of the Vampire's nature and life, but this film takes us back to the original meaning of Vampires: anguish and death, but without letting the gore take over. This is by far the best Vampire film I have ever seen. Finally a film which is based on character rather than driven by plot and endless gore. Wonderfully shot and with great performances from all involved. Highly recommended! So often films are influenced by the likes of Interview with the Vampire and other post-Rice trash, which contain a romanticised view of the Vampire's nature and life, but this film takes us back to the original meaning of Vampires: anguish and death, but without letting the gore take over.
darkwolf_kjp I watch lots of scary movies (or at least they try to be) and this has to be the worst if not 2nd worst movie I have ever had to make myself try to sit through. I never knew the depths of Masacism until I rented this piece of moldy cheese covered in a used latex contraceptive. I am a fan of Julian Sans, but this is worse than I would hope for him.On the other hand the story was promising and I was intrigued...for the first minute and a half while the credits rolled and I had yet to see what pain looked like first hand. Perhaps there are some viewers out there that enjoyed this and can point me in the right direction, but then again I know of those viewers who understand if not commemorate me, especially when we had to turn the video off, and that simply is NOT done with our watching (we had to make one exception obviously). If it were up for a remake, I'd give it a chance so long as they had at most 1% of the original incorporated into it. That's all.
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