Sweet Revenge
Sweet Revenge
R | 06 February 1987 (USA)
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Nancy Allen plays an investigative news reporter Jillian Gray, who, along with her daughter is kidnapped by white slave king Cicero, after getting too close with her investigation. Now that she has escaped, she seeks revenge on Ciero

Alicia I love this movie so much
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
lastliberal Oh, a film that had so much promise.It had Nancy Allen from Robocop, and Gina Gershon from Bound, and it was about sex slavery.Unfortunately, it was the second film directed by Mark Sobel, and his inexperience showed. He should have stuck with TV episodes. The writer who penned the screenplay was a newbie too, as he only wrote one other screenplay. Maybe he shot himself after writing this.For a film about sex slavery, the only nudity is shots of Gina Gershon and Lotis Key going skinny dipping after they escape, and before they agree to go back to get Nancy Allen's daughter.Ted Shackelford ("Knots Landing") provides the beefcake, and Allen does end up in bed with him.Oh, it does have a lot of gunfire and numerous Filipinos die, but there was more action going on at my neighbors as it was the 4th of July.
Duellist This movie fails on so many levels it's hard to catalog them all, but I'll try. Acting. Directing. Script. Plot. Voice dubs. Miscellaneous goofs and errors. With the "plot" of sex slavery, there was a chance for the typical sexplotation in these sorts of movies. None of that (though there is a brief scene with Gina Gershon and one of the other "actresses" doing some skinny-dipping, hardly worth the effort.)The "movie" is a muddled attempt at...something. It tries to be a "kidnapped girls get revenge" movie, of which there are plenty, but "Sweet Revenge" does not offer any of the "best" of this genre.If you have 90 minutes to spare, organize your silverware drawer or watch infomercials...don't watch this "movie."
sdef1986 I have to say that although this film isn't quite good, casting Nancy Allen, was a brilliant idea. She did as much as she could with a poor direction. In this occasion Nancy plays a mother who has to rescue her daughter, and she does another heroine character very well. I think her best heroine character is Anne Lewis in RoboCop movies, but this one is great too!! In the other hand, this movie has action, adventures, a bit of music, as I said before an excellent performance by Nancy. and I have to mention that two great actors as Martin Landau and Gina work in this film too!! So definitive I recommend it to you, it's suitable to watch with friends, and I give it a 10/10.
Joseph P. Ulibas Sweet revenge (1987) is a terrible 80's film. The" movie" is about intrigue and abduction in some tropical third world country. It's so sad to see stars such as Martin Landau and Nancy Allen reduced to perform in such tripe. This picture screams "cheap" and the performances were absolutely dreadful. There's nothing worth noting about this film except it was the first film that I've seen Gina Gershon act in. My advice to you my friend is to avoid it like the plague.Horrible, with no redeeming values F-