Direct Contact
Direct Contact
| 16 April 2009 (USA)
Direct Contact Trailers

An imprisoned ex-US Special forces operative in Eastern Europe, is offered his freedom and money to rescue an American woman, who has been kidnapped by a ruthless warlord. But, shortly after freeing her discovers that the kidnap story was just a ruse to bring her out into the open.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Comeuppance Reviews Mike Riggins (Dolph) is rotting away in a Balkans prison for supposedly smuggling weapons. Thankfully he can defend himself against his jailhouse assailants. When Clive Connelly (Pare), a government bigshot, comes to Mike and offers him a total of 200,000 dollars if he can find the kidnapped Ana Gale (May) and bring her back home, Mike agrees. But as it turns out, all is not as it seems, and thanks to some twists and turns, we see there is a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top. Will Mike and Ana make it to safety?In one of the better Nu-Image movies we've seen of late, Direct Contact delivers the Dolph you want. Sure, as we've discussed before, he elevates all movies he's in. His presence means a lot, but here it's just enjoyable to watch him beat, shoot, pistol-whip and blow up everybody in sight. Even the squibs are entertaining, as baddies die unnecessarily bloody deaths, sometimes to humorous effect. However, it's not all good news, as some lame green screen and CGI effects hurt the movie. These things are just annoyances, nothing more, and it's puzzling why some filmmakers believe they are important to the movie. There's even some ridiculous sped-up chase footage where it seems like the "Yakety Sax" should be playing on the soundtrack. Somehow, the doofuses at Nu-Image don't seem to realize this is DOLPH LUNDGREN, not Benny Hill. But we suppose it's forgivable, because Direct Contact is an entertaining, if not that original, production where Dolph meets another titan of the genre: Michael Pare. Pare puts in a good performance and it's cool to see this "clash of the titans" as he faces off with Dolph. He doesn't seem to phone in his role, and that's certainly a good thing. Also it should be noted that there is a baddie in the movie named Drago (Rahal). He's such an ethnic stereotype, he gives Balki of Perfect Strangers fame a bad name. Perhaps they couldn't get Bronson Pinchot. That aside, in a "meta" move, it's Drago vs. Drago! Was this done on purpose, or are there no more generic Eastern-European names left to use? (To answer our own question, judging by the end credits of most DTV productions nowadays, which read like the Bulgarian phone book, no.) Also, even though it has been mentioned before, we can't not bring up the scene where a character actually says, "What if he goes AOL?" How this passed the director, the actor himself, the editing process, and any step in between without any notice and ended up in the final film is anybody's guess. But to answer the man's question, he'll get mail, news, messenger, and plenty of extras for only $9.99 a month. Someone find Mike Riggins!So aside from the aforementioned technical hiccups, Direct Contact (not to be confused with Direct Action, 2004), provides a solid night of Dolph fun.For more insanity, please visit:
Wizard-8 I am a Dolph Lundgren fan, a big enough one that I am often forgiving of any shortcomings in his movies. But with "Direct Contact", I find it hard to express any enthusiasm. Oh sure, the production values are decent, the movie moves at a fairly brisk clip, Lundgren seems comfortable in his surroundings, and the movie makes any excuse to showcase some action. And the bad guy has a very memorable exit. Yet at the end I felt underwhelmed. The plot is nothing new, and the action isn't very exciting. In fact, the action has more than its share of incompetent editing, showing things that come out of thin air or not showing the end of an action sequence. And I found it hard to believe that nobody of authority was taking action about the bad guys killing scores of innocent people and blowing up buildings! Not the worst Lundgren movie, and far from being the worst movie ever made, but you can safely skip this one, even if you are a Lundgren fan.
wildheartyea Spoilers Spoilers. My comments will contain spoilers. Ill be going through the entire movie. You have been warned. Now, this is a first for me. The movie bugged me so much I actually have decided to write my first critique/comment ever! :PI was surprised to see our hero in a poster. I mean, he's old news you know. But thats not where i start complaining :D It starts with the way he walks into the bunker and holds his gun. Make that how he handles all his guns :P Next its how he handles the thugs. Bad acting or Old school acting. And lets talk about the grenades :D In the scene where they're at the stadium the grenades blow in front of the army men and they don't fly away. It blows right in front of them! But when they're in that abandoned building near the American Embassy, they go out FLYING! Then we go back to his godly aim. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO old school acting. I can't decide if I'm angry or simply annoyed! Even James Bond puts in more effort and he's MI6! :P Even when they were at the slums when he was being pursued by the army in jeeps, they still fail to kill him. And they're maybe 30ft away? In a STRAIGHT HALL WAY. It's tight and with no room to maneuver. Yet they bullets seem to go everywhere except them :S The cheesy line "How's your wound?" that turns into a love scene -_-" Speaking of which, any1 noticed how the the sounds that come out of her in the first 10min are all moan-like? It's like watching a porno movie where the hot big boobed female prisoner struggles against the shackles of her hot well built jailer :S I mean come on! Finally, the cursing. I get the constant needless cursing that one hears or sees in alleys with gang members. This isn't a racial thing btw. All those rappers or wannabe ppl, little kids in a gang member wearing blue or red bandannas with a gun 2inchs from their gentiles :P So why do they include cussing in their sentences? Who do they think they are? :S Honestly, I don't like cursing ESPECIALLY the one that just comes out of u for no good reason. But if you watched the movie you'll know what I mean. This is a second rate/hand movie. So why is it in theater? :S
Sharkanana If you enjoy watching action flicks and spotting hilarious goofs and completely ridiculous scenes, then this movie is for you! I love watching movies such as The Marine, and other Steven Seagal type movies that are just so bad, they end up being so funny because of the small things you find in them.If you cannot tolerate bad acting, horrible script writing, and terribly done action sequences, then by all means avoid this.The car chase scenes are especially terrible. Sometimes it seems as if Dolph is sleepwalking through his scenes.My advice is, watch it and try to notice all the goofs and such that happen, and you will have a great time.