NR | 22 July 2014 (USA)
Survivor Trailers

During their search for a habitable planet the last living humans crash-land on a barren world, inhabited by bloodthirsty aliens and mysterious post-apocalyptic warriors.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Michael Ledo The film centers on Kay (Danielle Chuchran) which is not short for Katniss, but should be judging by the cover pose. The earth became uninhabitable for kittens so seven ships left through wormholes to seek out other planets. Kay gives us a monologue to catch us help, spouting bad science to weave a tale. She stays in shape in a simulator where they learn to shoot and play war games. They quickly crash land on a planet which is inhabited by unfriendly aliens who speak a German version of sand creature and wear a Heinz 57 combinations of Mad Max respirators. There are also unfriendly aliens who look like they came from a 1950's film. K manages to save most of the crew by herself, except Anne (Abigail Mason) who was prettier.Kay has a number of skills apparently acquired in the simulator not shown such as the bow, axe throwing, horse riding, and rock climbing.The film is a Sci-Fi film aimed at a younger audience. There is no swearing, no sex, no nudity...heck no one even talks about a shower. The dialogue was boring. The characters were boring.Danielle Chuchran played Katniss back in 2010 in a short feature hoping to get an audition for the role. The Utah company that made this film is also the same one that made Orc Wars/Dragonfyre which accounts for the lack of a quality script. 2 stars for most adults, although I am sure some kids and fans of Danielle Chuchran will enjoy the feature.I can think of a dozen similar movies, with all but one being worse
bowmanblue Oh, dear... where to begin. 'Cheap' is the word I'd use to describe 'Survivor.' Even the title is hardly inspired. I ran the word 'survivor' through the Internet Movie Database's search to try and find this film, but there are so many other films/TV shows called it, that I had to end up looking it up via an actor's name. In fact, the searching for it online was actually more enjoyable than the film.Okay, that maybe a little harsh, but it was just so cheap it was hardly worth bothering with. It's about (and I can barely be bothered to regurgitate it all again!) the last few survivors from a doomed Earth, now destined to fly through space while they search for a new home planet. The spaceships all look computer-generated, but that doesn't last long. The ship soon crashes and they have to survive on an inhospitable planet. Or at least one of them does. A lone girl has to basically fight through hordes of native humans (and later monsters) to try and rescue the few remaining crewmates who survived the crash.It basically plays out like 'After Earth' but with less of a budget. Then again, After Earth hardly set the Box Office on fire, so that is a strange film to base another one on! Later on the cast moves to underground and, what with the inclusion of the monsters, it ends up a bit like 'The Descent.' Even sci-fi fans won't really enjoy this film. It's just too cheap and too unoriginal to really offer anything new. Yeah, if you're really that bored on a Saturday afternoon and you come across this film on TV (no way you would ever feel justified in paying for it!) you may just sit through it. Only if you're bored though. Really bored.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Having read the synopsis for this movie, I must admit that I didn't really expect too much from it, and now having seen it, I can honestly say that the movie lived up to the low expectations.The story is about the last of mankind searching the vast reaches of space for an inhabitable planet. A spaceship tracking a signal has to go into a wormhole, when disaster strikes. The ship is torn apart and the surviving crew is stranded on the alien planet, having to fight for their very lives to stay alive, against hostile humans and monstrous humanoids.The storyline was essentially adequate, albeit a bit too simple. And there was a bit too much focus on Danielle Chuchran's athletic skills for running and rock-climbing.The creatures in the movie were looking more like a crossbreed between the orcs and trolls of "Lord of the Rings", which just made the movie seem like a half-hearted attempt at a Sci-Fi movie. And while we are speaking of "Lord of the Rings", the scenes with Danielle Chuchran running around the barren rocky landscape with a panning camera flying around was just too much like the scene where Legolas was running around. At least do something original...The reason for me sitting down to watch the movie was Danielle Chuchran and Kevin Sorbo. And sure, they made the movie watchable and endurable, but they were struggling hard with an almost non-existing script and storyline."Survivor" is a below average Sci-Fi movie, and if you are in for an evening of Sci-Fi, then I would suggest that you find something else, because this movie is not really worth it.A mere 4 out of 10 stars to "Survivor".
Jesse Boland First off you really do have to hand to to this entire crew for creating a movie this big in scope completely through Kickstarter. This is a fully fleshed out scifi movie that sadly falls so flat. There is so much over acting, and way too much video game style leveling up as the story progressed. Simple things that make no sense like a comm system that seems to increase it's capabilities as we get 20 minutes further in. A strange race of Morlock types who seem fine with the sun, and still were shredded clothes that they could never have worn to begin with that look like stretch Armstrong, but they all go down with one punch. I kept trying to like this movie just for the sake of it, but there are just too many of those. A race of strange people speaking Klingon or something that can understand English just fine (The Queen's English at that). The action would be good enough if it wasn't so over the top, and over acted. The week are feeble, and the strong are not always strong. Kate can lift herself up a mountain with her arms, but has trouble on a horse, and they did say "gravity normal" when they first landed. Last thing really "Taking on water" where? then she was just floating under the water. Saturday afternoon popcorn stuff here. This is the movie you will watch while you clean the TV room. I really liked the special effects, most of the green screen was handled well, and the story is just too much like a loose Seventies kind of thing before real science started getting into science fiction stories. I Enjoyed the end result even though I was shaking my head a lot, so I say if you like movies where women kick but, and climb stuff, then this is that, and there are space ships too.Jesse of