Fire City: End of Days
Fire City: End of Days
| 22 June 2015 (USA)
Fire City: End of Days Trailers

Vine, a disillusioned demon, is forced into a choice to save his brethren or an innocent human girl. Demons have been living secretly among humans for centuries. It was a fragile balance that has now been shattered when their life source is destroyed. The demon population must rise up and take all necessary steps for survival or their species will cease to exist. The battle for the Earth has begun. Vine, a disillusioned demon, secretly lives with others of his kind in the world of humans sustained by their misery. Forced into a choice to save his brethren or an innocent human girl, the delicate balance between human and demon kind is threatened, which may result in war.

SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
kodashapok It isn't the best but then again it is what I would consider a B movie. The story is hard to figure out somewhat until about 1/4 way into the movie but it does have a lot of twists. If you like mysteries/drama movies then this B movie will be good for you. Try to remember before you write a review or say anything remember this again is a B movie. Please do not expect a A class film viewing and judge it as such. It is good for the budget they had and never know maybe the actors are just starting out or are like that one big B movie women from back in the day who was the voice of the lead women in heavy metal 2, she never wanted to go to A list movies she liked being the queen of B movies. So give it a shot you might like it, I know I was a little surprised sometimes through out the movie.
Syres Basnet This movie is something unique. If you want a movie to watch so that you and others can unintentionally lose attention, this is the one. Usually I can find out what is going on within the first 15 minutes. But this was just impossible. Witchcraft to domestic violence, to oracle bones, then demons? What is this? You have to be a genius, or an idiot to be able to understand what is even going on. It's definitely worth it if you wanna see something impossible to understand. Also if you want to see weir transitions, this is the movie for you! Have fun wasting your money, and precious time on this!Sincerely- the poor souls who watched this
new-44281 I give this a one! Only because there was a song playing halfway through that I found good. A SONG! I had to give it a one for that!Let me be honest, 100%. You would garner more enjoyment being a three year old, dinner taken away, and then forced to watch CSPAN for a week in your room! Acting is awful, makeup for the demons is like "Hellboy" wannabe's. The script....seriously? What script? It's a mess! An absolute mess! The budget for this thing couldn't have been more than offering crisp crème donuts in trade! Yes, it is THAT bad. You will never get the time back if you watch this so be aware, unless you like bad acting, makeup, and a stupid plot, don't bother!
MartinHafer I am warning you up front that the first 15 minutes of "Fire City: End of Days" is confusing--so confusing that I was ready to turn off the movie. Fortunately, I resisted the impulse and what followed was a surprisingly good film--with a very inventive plot and awfully good prosthetics and make-up. While the film isn't for everyone, it is quite good and worth your time.When the film begins, you see a lot of things that simply don't make sense. Don't worry and don't try to understand...just keep watching. Soon you come to realize that some of the characters living in this sleazy world are not humans after all but are demons disguised as humans...demons who literally feed off our misery. Seeing humans suffer and destroy themselves is what these creatures live for...and helping them do so is their job. However, something strange slowly begins happening to one of them. Atum Vine is a demon unlike any others because for the first time one of these horrible creatures begins to feel sorry for one of the humans...a young girl who reaches out to him for help. While he should take glee in her pain, Vine feels pangs of compassion. What's next and how this affects the humans and demon world is very interesting...but you'll have to see this for yourself.The biggest surprises for me were that I usually hate films like this as well as learning that the director is actually a special effects guy who is now directing his first feature. While the make- up and look of the demons is incredible, I kind of expected this with the background of Tom Woodruff, Jr.. But I didn't expect a relatively low budget film like this to work so well. Now it isn't perfect--I do wish the beginning of the film had been less confusing and a little more to the point. But it is still darned good and well worth your time. My only reservation, and frankly it should come as no surprise, is that the film is NOT family-friendly. After all, it's about evil demons...and it does have some very explicit nudity and language that would make this a film for an older audience. So don't ask your mother or Father O'Malley or your kids to watch it with you!