R | 03 June 2016 (USA)
Andron Trailers

A group of people are plunged into a dark, claustrophobic maze, where they must fight to survive, as the outside world watches.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
tattgirl8418 Imagine The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner had an incestuous baby in a Waffle House bathroom - that about sums up this movie.Here's what to expect:Unoriginal, dare I say over-done conceptTerrible lightingSometimes dizzying cinematographyAbsolutely HORRIFIC acting and dialogue - felt very much like a junior high school projectScenes or elements that seemed to make absolutely no sense, nor had any real importance to the plot lineExactly how many times can someone seemingly be dead but then all of a sudden pop up and start fighting again like nothing happened?Many times characters had bits of dialogue to tell you what has happened (in the past? future? when? what?) rather than show youAnd, to top it all off, the ending of "welcome to round 2" was a blatant rip-off of every other (and better) 'last person standing' film, not to mention leaving it open for a sequel that every human reading this should pray NEVER EVER HAPPENS.The ONLY reason I watched this to the end is because I was desperately hoping that all of them would die miserable and stupid deaths. Sadly, I was let down one last time by this vomit of a film.
dunphpat Way to much violence especially for a M rated movie,way more suitable to be classified as MA. The violence between characters is unnecessary and frankly, is just not needed. Although, the story line was OK and quite intriguing, the unnecessary violence ruined all the entertainment and sidetracks from the point of the story. It would be soooooo much better if the violence was limited. This improvement would also create a wider range of audience such as older children seeking an adventurous and sci fi movie!!!!;÷)
kosmasp If you sometimes wonder how some really good actors do some very bad movies: just think about the fact that they need money too. So Alec Baldwin and Danny Glover (still not too old for ... like this) are in this and they may be a sort of remedy to watch for some. Especially Alec is always fun to watch. Even if it's obvious he has no clue why he's moving his hand in front of his face (virtual monitors and stuff that were put in later digitally).Apart from the real actors doing their thing (while looking as confused as the viewer), the rest of the cast is trapped. Literally and metaphorically speaking. The movie has not begun and you stop caring for them. Forget all the twists and turns this throws at you, which will make you dizzy. If your head-shaking didn't bother you and you watch through, either the final twist before the credits or the one shortly after the credits start rolling will finally break your neck ...
banglainey Horrible on pretty much every plane. Most annoying, though, was how the plot does not evemn begin to explain itself at all until the movie is almost over. I mean, it could have been halfway decent if they just re arranged the script into a coherent format so we knew what we were watching. It's basically a series of random, pointless scenes until about an hour in, then finally there's an information spewage where one character pretty much reveals the entire plot in one long run-on sentence. From there, things make more sense, but still not enough to redeem the movie.The one thing that DOES redeem the movie is awesome Alex Baldwin doing an awesome evil villain role! He totally made the movie worth watching.