| 31 August 2011 (USA)
Orcs! Trailers

Faced with extinction, two park rangers are forced to defend the national park against hordes of rampaging orcs. Ancient and long forgotten, these orcs are unleashed from the depths of the mountains, and they won't stop until we're all dead.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Wordiezett So much average
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Rainey Dawn Orcs! Is a very cute dorky comedy. I "get" the humor in the film.To me: The best aspect about this film was the relationship between the two rangers... The wise long time ranger and the new recruit! IMO the movie didn't have to be Orcs as the problem in the park it could have been Bigfoot, Apes, Bears or other creatures and the film would have been just as cute. Since I love LotR and odd-ball comedies this movie worked for me.The acting was good - it is suppose to be a dorky comedy and the actors pulled it off well. All in all I will rate the film 7/10.
BA_Harrison In Orcs!, forest rangers Cal (Adam Johnson) and Hobie (Maclain Nelson) battle a horde of mythical monsters from Middle-Earth, who emerge from a mountain to wreak havoc in a National Park. Such a set up is clearly intended to be nothing more than a bit of dumb fun, but while the film is certainly dumb, there's not nearly enough fun, with a lack of decent jokes and scares, and a failure to deliver on the outrageous gore and gratuitous nudity suggested by an early shot of a decapitated head on a stick and the presence of two young hotties in tight vests.Most notable of all, perhaps, is the distinct lack of actual creatures. Sure, there are plenty of extras running around in cheap looking suits of armour, but as far as identifiable orcs are concerned—you know, ugly critters with real bad complexions and over-sized fangs—well, they can be counted on the fingers of one hand. No doubt this was due to budgetary constraints, but the viewer can't help but feel a tad cheated. This is where an excess of gore and a spot of nudity would have come in handy: after all, it doesn't cost a fortune to throw some buckets of blood around and get a few aspiring starlets to strip off, and it sure would have helped matters immensely.Instead, we get irritating main characters, supposedly 'witty' dialogue that falls flat on its face, one or two unconvincing death scenes, a repetitive over-long night-time siege totally devoid of tension, and a couple of inexplicable pastiches of key scenes from The Fellowship of the Ring which are neither clever nor funny—all of which adds up to an instantly forgettable waste of time.
lil_heimy While this movie is far from the best movie that I have ever seen I found it surprisingly good. Maybe its because when I rented out this movie I didn't have great expectations. Sure the acting was pretty average, the story line while making sense wasn't the best. The subtly jokes that it pulled at other movies and just the idea of having orcs as the major villains made the movie funny. While it is considerably short I believe they made a wise move of keeping it at that length as the story line didn't drag.So in conclusion it's a good movie as long as you don't over think any of it as it is not a smart movie.
chicagopoetry I was laughing from beginning to ending of ORCS! The dialogue is so well written and witty that I felt like I was watching an instant cult classic. It's not forced camp but dry humor delivered with a straight face which makes these goofball characters and the orcs they are fighting so believable even if they are absurd. The two park rangers reminded me of Cheech and Chong in their early days, sort of at each other's throats but loving each other at the same time. Unlike most horror movies that deliver unlikeable characters getting slaughtered by unoriginal monsters, ORCS! gives us fresh, caring characters fighting against a truly original premise with a climax of a siege reminiscent of Assault on Precinct 13. I enjoyed nearly every minute of ORCS! and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see something funny and original.