| 06 September 2013 (USA)
Dragonfyre Trailers

A battle-weary ex-Special Forces Operative buys a ranch in remote American West to flee from the world, and encounters a strange series of trespassers, including a beautiful elf princess and a Native American mystic and Orcs. When the Orcs invade his property, John must give up his isolation to become a hero, before the Orcs unleash their dragon god on our world.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Leofwine_draca Yeah, ORC WARS isn't too bad for what it is: a really cheesy and unbelievable action-packed B-movie that happily rips off the look of the orcs from THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy. I mean, the orcs in this film are EXACTLY the same as in those Peter Jackson movies: so much so that if I worked for Weta Workshop I'd be tempted to sue. The orcs are the most entertaining part of this movie, but I'm not too sure about their presence in the real, contemporary world.I mean, seeing orcs interacting with modern-day human characters, farmhouses, and vehicles is just plain odd and realism is never going to be a priority in that situation. Still, given that this is a B-movie with the usual problems (absolutely fake looking CGI fire, fake looking black blood clouds for the orcs, rubbish acting and a non-existent script) it's actually quite entertaining by the standards of the sub-genre.ORC WARS incorporates an absolute ton of action into its running time, particularly in the second half which involves a running battle between humans and orcs. Sure, a lot of it is repetitive, but they even manage a dragon in the budget, which is quite impressive. By the standards of normal film this is a complete waste of time, but as a B-movie you can do much, much worse.
siderite The idea of the film is pretty fun: there are gateworlds between the nine realms and they open pretty much whenever it suits them. At the gate to Earth there is a wizard standing guard to preserve balance. The wizard is an old man with a lot of guns, though, and his magic is gun powder. When he dies trying to protect the last elven princess, a soldier coming back from Iraq takes his place. The rest of the film is people shooting orcs and dragons.The problem is that the idea was completely lost on the filmmakers. They try to make it slightly fun and campy, but the bad acting, the clichés, the myriad inconsistencies, the plot holes, they all work together in making the movie a failure. Unlike another Arrowstorm film "Shadow Cabal", which I thought was awesome, this one has lame visual effects, lame battles, lame dialogues, lame everything.I reiterate that this idea had a lot of potential, pitting experienced modern war veterans with experienced medieval war orcs, with magic thrown in for good fun. Instead it felt like one of the bad sequels to Tremors, made by Asylum.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Orc Wars" (aka "Dragonfyre") was like watching a recording of a LARP event. And personally I am not one to enjoy the whole LARP scene, and I surely wasn't impressed by this movie.The orcs, well they looked like something that was copied and pasted right out of something from the Tolkien universe. So whether or not that was good, well that is debatable. Sure, the costumes and armors were great, but it was just lacking originality, because it had all been seen in the "Lord of the Rings" movies. But they get an effort for trying and for putting this much effort into the costumes.For the story, well just don't get your hopes up here, because the storyline was just downright embarrassing to witness. It was as stupid as it was uninspiring.The acting was fair enough, just don't expect anything groundbreaking or overly innovative here.As much as I enjoy sword and sorcery fantasy, then "Orc Wars" was just bad entertaining and a waste of time. And truth be told, then I actually fell asleep during this and had to get up and turn it off to find something else to catch my interest and attention. I got no idea how it ended, because I gave up about half way into the movie or so, and even there having missed out on a lot of it from falling asleep...
sven-49-694776 After watching a great SAGA I had to see this one! But unfortunately it just doesn't work for me. Dumb Orcs with swords and shields, who are shot down and slayed in dozens by people with guns, who are more or less never missing their target, is not cool. Even the dead orc bodies are vanishing magically. Don't get me wrong, I want Arrowstorm Entertainment to go on, and I am looking forward for their new Mythica, but Orc Wars as a crossover Fantasy <=> our world just failed. For a low budget movie the costumes and effects are in general OK, the dragon is great, and the princess is very sweet (although Danielle Chuchran in SAGA is much cooler), but all the action with the shooting is just not my thing: The effects, when the Orcs are hit, are often quite bad and also the fighting scenes are not nice. And there is only a poor story. With a big bonus for Indie-movies it is just a 4/10.