The Harry Hill Movie
The Harry Hill Movie
PG-13 | 20 December 2013 (USA)
The Harry Hill Movie Trailers

Harry Hill embarks on a road trip to Blackpool with his Nan when he discovers that his hamster only has one week to live.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
krhysd "Based on a true story." Understanding this is key to fully appreciating the joy, soul and craftsmanship that went into creating this gem.The film works as a stand alone piece in itself - the teenagers I watched it with gave it an average rating of 7.5 - covering the full spectrum of types of comedy from slapstick to satire.Being of a similar age to Harry, I was exposed to the same kind of visual entertainment as a child in 70's Britain. So, in addition to the wonderfully surreal world that this genius envelopes himself in, I was able to cherish the the way he weaved in references drawn from a wide range of cultural tropes such as the Children's Film Foundation, American cartoons, black and white adventure films shown on afternoon t.v., The Goodies, pantomime, and public information films amongst others.Overall, a fantastical masterpiece richly deserving the honour bestowed on him by the University of Kent.
richard-bown-104-573762 I've never been moved to post a review on IMDb but considering the number of Adam Sandler films that rank in the 6s something had to be done to make a case for this little gem. And a gem it is if, like me, you're a fan of the puerile as long as it's accompanied with a healthy pinch of sardonic humour.There is something of the genius about this movie. Something refreshingly honest about the performances, the colour palettes, the lame jokes, the physical humour, the songs, the locations, the props. To get some of the references it may help if you've grown up in the UK during the 70s and 80s or currently have children under 16 however the appeal is somewhat broader and the performances from all of the cast are nuanced, tongue firmly in cheek and the pacing and story is gentle and above all it's just fun. Consider the fact that you've got Harry Potter alumni in the cast - Julie Walters and Jim Broadbent - stars of UK screen - then you know you've got a solid British backbone to play off. Harry Hill is unphased, effortlessly gooning about in front of the camera and then you've also got great performances by Simon Bird, a bewildered Johnny Vegas as the voice of Abu and also (pop band) the Magic Numbers singing a lovely song about running a Bed and Breakfast on the British seaside.Yes it's silly, yes it's obvious, yes it's simple but it's also evocative of the past triumphs of niche British cinema. It nods to our failings and to our weaknesses and to our guilty pleasures - and even the obviously filled in bits (Brains on legs, random shell people) don't detract from the fact that's it's just fun. Like an updated an detitillated Carry On movie - it's the best of British and I hope they make a follow up.Try it out, suspend your disbelief, have a giggle.
pmedinacorreo Excellent laugh. Why watch and rate this movie if you don't like "traditional" British non-sense surreal humor, which is genius just for its mere existence...: trying to set conventional logic and thinking on fire with the kind of best ever "freeforming" humor you would share with some friends after some drinks, creating ridiculous situations and characters.The people that made this movie, obviously, sincerely like and do want to entertain people, not indulge themselves achieving any high score on any commercially safe and traditional kind of humor. What here also should be mentioned is that the photography, cgi, mastering is of astonishing, much superior than expected level for a comedy-slash-musical- jokes&puppets-movie, which shows again the sovereignty that British filmmakers and broadcasters can flip out of their pocket without even taking it to serious themselves. I cant believe i nearly missed the laugh due to the ratings here, which from now on i surely wont take anymore as an orientation.
chris-sheerin this movie is a comedy... not a major blockbuster, not a titanic wannabe movie but a comedy... comedies don't base themselves around plots... i have read some stupid reviews here that aren't even an excuse to be called reviews since there comparing it to alpha pap and the Keith lemon movie which is stupid because there comedies... comedies don't base themselves around a serious or deep plot, comedies are there for a laugh or for a parody of a concept, they aren't suppose to be taken seriously. lets take a movie called airplane... that didn't have a plot at all over then people were stuck on a plane with daft things happening... people look at it and find it a classic cause of its humor and people watched it for its humor and not the plot. or how about the gauntlet or chuck Norris movies or Steven seagal movies? they are based of the action and the events happening around them and how they must survive... its not really a plot but a situation.. movies have different purposes and depending on the genre, it will effect how the movie plays out and how deep the plot will be or how daft it will be.this movie knew what it wanted to be and that was a daft comedy based of the live of harry hill in his comedic world and it did what it did and it was there for a laugh and to entertain. personally after seeing how people are on this website it disgusts me cause no one here clearly has a understanding about genre, movies or the roles in the movie industry.this is a great laugh with the family and has some funny random plot elements and if your a harry hill fan watch it...just ignore the children here who go on here thinking there like the batman doing society justice or something by not even properly criticizing it with out doing research or knowing the purpose of the movie or let alone the comedic style of the main actor.