R | 01 April 2011 (USA)
Super Trailers

After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, though he lacks for heroic skills.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Mike E GoodA piece of art is either Good or Bad. A Yes, you would recommend it to others or a No, don't waste your time
venusboys3 I was skeptical going into this... mostly because Kick-Ass hadn't fulfilled it's promise (or what I'd read into it's previews as a promise) to let the air out of the superhero genre and show it's vigilante justice feet of clay. In the end that movie was a celebration of the same crap it ought to have condemned, or at least left a bit more ambiguous. SUPER is pretty much everything I'd hoped Kick-Ass would have been. It's brutal and violent and its heroes are less-than-sane, or even all that smart. There is humor to it, dark humor, but it's layered over something closer to a horror movie, except you're on the side of the psychopath doing the bloodletting. The end is still a bit implausible/saccharine/familiar for me... but I've got really nihilistic tastes. All-in-all SUPER is pretty great, especially if you've had your fill of the Hollywood caped crusaders and want something to freshen the air a bit.
Dragon's Azz I knew I am getting into something crazy in this movie. But this movie was not just crazy, it was bats#!l crazy. I cant say I loved it but I have a really mixed feelings when I was watching this movie. It had the crazy cliche's of superhero movies and mind munching questions of superhero parodies like Kick Ass. May be the filmmakers had in mind that as much as this was going in the crazy direction, it was supposed to move you in a way only those who feel 'Not Special' in their lives can relate to. It struck me that when I realized that I am one of 'Not Special' people in this world when I related myself to the movie.This is the movie for those who wants something crazy and something crazier like the reality we live in.
BA_Harrison James Gunn's Super has been eclipsed by the success of the similarly themed and very enjoyable Kick-Ass, but his film is also well worth a watch, taking a slightly different and possibly more daring approach to Kick Ass's underdog superhero schtick. In Gunn's film, the average Joe who dons a costume to fight crime isn't an affable misguided teen, but rather a depressed short-order cook, Frank (Rainn Wilson), who can only recall two perfect moments in his whole life, one of which is his marriage to Sarah (Liv Tyler), who has recently left him in favour of heroin dealer Jacques (Kevin Bacon). Clearly suffering from mental health issues as a result, Frank comes to believe that he has been chosen by God to fight injustice, and becomes masked avenger The Crimson Bolt, but finds that being a hero isn't like in the comic books.As with Kick Ass, Super is a blend of action, comedy and graphic violence, but the effect is more unsettling than its better known counterpart, Gunn's morally ambiguous character casually dishing out extreme violence for minor infractions at the drop of a hat (even whacking a guy on the head with a wrench for cutting in line at the movies!). And when Ellen Page joins in on the fun as his completely psychotic sidekick Boltie, things get even darker, the pair almost killing a young man for allegedly keying a car. Eventually, The Crimson Bolt and Boltie lead an assault on Jacques stronghold, Frank rescuing Sarah from her drugs hell, but at a heavy cost. The film ends on a bitter-sweet note, Frank alone once more, Boltie dead and Sarah having left him again, but with our hero now blessed with a whole room full of 'perfect moments'.