Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation
Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation
R | 19 May 2004 (USA)
Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation Trailers

In the sequel to Paul Verhoeven's loved/reviled sci-fi film, a group of troopers taking refuge in an abandoned outpost after fighting alien bugs, failing to realize that more danger lays in wait.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
UofSciFi For those who don't know......(and that seems to be all of you)The script for Starship Troopers 2 was dreamed up during the filming of the first one, but it was never intended to be the sequel. The filming the first film had gone over budget by several millions of dollars and someone came up with the idea that they could film a scaled down second movie(no gore,no sex) with a 2nd set of actors, using the existing already built sets while those sets were still standing and show it on T.V. as a made for T.V. movie called "Starship Troopers: The Lost Platoon" ......and then debut the Made for T.V. movie on television two weeks before their release of Starship Troopers in theaters. Somehow the made for T.V. movie was going to be a advertisement/marketing tool for over-the-budget studio nightmare "Stardship Troopers" which cost over $126 MILLION to make .....and because the costumes and sets already existed,the T.V. movie was going to cost pennies on the dollar to make..............COLUMBIA/TRI-STAR Pictures was never able to secure a prime-time air date with any of the major networks and henceforth the T.V. movie idea never happened! ! ! ! Exit 1997, Enter 2004In 2003 Phil Tipett brought the "Starship Trooper:The Lost Platoon" idea back to COLUMBIA/TRI-STAR attention and they green lighted it, but only if it could be done for around $5million (only 5% of what the first film cost to make).. because the sets of the original film were tore down years ago... they had to create a whole new set, all done in a studio(Low budget style) and the script had to be re- written. The body snatchers storyline was never part of the original script- that storyline was added later because their budget constraints prevented then from filming an hour(or more)of bug battles/action scenes. after the script was re-plotted and re-written, the title was changed to "Starship Troopers 2:Hero of the Federation" and the whole movie was filmed in only 26 days using just 2 sound stages...... ....And now you know the truth about this film.
bheadher I am firmly convinced that these producers really don't like science fiction at all...the first incarnation was a complete disrespect to a Master Author, having almost no relationship to the book. Now they further trash a potentially excellent story line with disrespect for the viewers. No coherent dialog in this movie, and not much noticeable acting either. It begins with a battle in total darkness, with a sandstorm to add to the confusion. Then someone begins shouting incoherent evidence of discipline at all, just a rowdy free for all with a zillion bugs milling around in the sandstorm. It frankly goes down hill from there. Of course two minutes in you were assured this movie was at the bottom of its creative life anyway.If you are looking for interesting entertainment, this one ain't it!
David McPhail It must really suck to be one of the people writing all the bad reviews, complaints about every detail of any given movie. I suppose that if being a movie critic is your job, then you must truly believe your trifling is of some benefit to someone, somewhere in the universe. I don't believe it is, but that is just my opinion.Starship Troopers 2 never made any claims to being a great movie with millions invested in special effects, original music, or location filming around the globe. This movie is about entertainment, and it provides that in spades. When I watch a movie, my only reason for doing so is that I want to be entertained. At the end of the movie, if I can say that I was entertained, then the movie did what it was intended to do. At the end of ST2, I felt very well entertained so, to me, the movie was great.I have always valued the decisions we are permitted to make in life, like being able to turn off or switch channels on the TV, or to be able to leave the theatre if I don't like the show. With ST2 I felt no desire to turn it off. The actors were good, the story interesting and the visuals were good. The film is a lot of fun because it is interesting. Obviously, the movie does not stack up well against much more heavily financed films, but for a $7,000,000 budget it did very, very well.To the critics, yes, special effects, original music scores, and an all- star cast may have made it a better visual experience. Then again, maybe not. Even some very big budget films are total failures. Why? Quite simply, they fail to entertain and become tedious and boring. You cannot honestly say that ST2 became tedious or boring. It was very entertaining all the way through. What more can you ask of a movie?If you like the genre and want to feel entertained, then this movie is for you. If you only are able to enjoy the movies that are critically acclaimed, then either find the critics that rate entertainment for what it is supposed to be, entertaining, or just move on.
joebobs The first Starship Troopers film, although very cheesy in parts, was very well done. It had all the elements of a great sci-fi adventure film, and it made an interesting comment on the nature of propaganda and overblown patriotism.The second film does none of these things. It's a poor imitation of the first movie. Whilst the script in ST1 was cheesy, it was good-cheesy, like Die Hard, whereas the script in ST2 feels like someone didn't even bother with a second draft. The acting is atrocious, the characters are one dimensional, the plot is weak and the film is generally badly put together. Even the graphics are lousy, there is a moment when you see a man being crushed by a heavy metal door, but the door (presumably paper-mache) visibly wobbles from side to side on his chest. I doubt there's even a level of kitsch value to the film, in the manner of an Ed Wood film, as it's clearly just been made to cash in on the success of the first film.I was surprised to hear they'd gone ahead and made a third film. It must be an improvement on this, as it couldn't be any worse!
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