Starship Troopers: Invasion
Starship Troopers: Invasion
R | 28 August 2012 (USA)
Starship Troopers: Invasion Trailers

The troopers of two starships have joined forces to terminate a massive bug attack at a Federation outpost. Before the mission can be completed and the survivors evacuated, one ship abruptly departs and goes inexplicably dark. The remaining battle-hardened troopers race to the rescue only to discover that the threat from the bugs is about to hit home.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
adonis98-743-186503 A black op has gone terribly wrong. Now, Captain Carmen Ibanez and a hardcore trooper famed as Major Henry "Hero" Varro must lead a team of battle-weary troopers to find the missing ship and discover what went wrong. Starship Troopers: Invasion is no better than Starship Troopers 3 plus the whole animation/video game kind of film doesn't work for me either sorry. Plus that scene where one of the soldiers offers the girl to wash her back cause she was naked was beyond stupid especially when she approached him and left. (0/10)
filmo To start with a really painful film to watch. By 25 minutes in, I had to make myself keep watching it.I didn't know it was CGI. That was an unusual shock. It seems "directed" by some of the not so great aspects of manga. (don't get me wrong, I have a lot of time for good manga). It seems like slightly mangled sci fi). It's much more final fantasy style than classic star ship troopers.ST1: Great film ST2: horrible ST3: bearable, but looses the special effects plot at the end.ST4 is a slightly painful japanimation style scifi. It doesn't let up on the 'human detail' cgi, and the film has a horrible "spoilt feminism" theme running through it. Very un military, but quite...."emotionally pandering". him: "it wasn't your ship" her: "but i want my ship back". him: "thats not a standard military gun" her: "I use this gun to kill aliens".The general quality of the cgi animation is very watchable, altho every face and body has a fairly expressionless "rubber skin" effect to it. The characters are very "predator" like. What i mean by that, is that they all seem to have a "niche". Whether it's the religious guy, the martial arts guy, the brick built guy, the female who must avenge her family, and so on. A lot of the characters have the required disdain for the different way of life of any one of the "other" characters.Some of the design is almost fetishy. The male armour suits have a very distinct backside. (hard to miss). People also seem to be "on each others asses" a lot. Don't worry the female individually modelled armour has a cyberpunk attention to it.Because of the films design, there is often a momentary "animation pause" in all the scenes. Especially when they are top-off, the film has an an animated CG script feel to it. People often pause or have a "distinct facial expression" (made of rubber) just before they say something.It comes across as either "I'm remembering my lines", or its "I'm going to pause to make sure you all know I'm going to say something". In fact when they are unsuited, it comes across as "I'm going to talk once I get used to this rubber body that I'm wearing".It's better to watch the characters when they are suited up. In fact maybe the film is much more like watching a cut scene from Halo. Even while suited, there's still a distinctive "it's my line now" "now it's my line" etc. When faces are shown, There is often the animated wordless fraction of a second dedicated to making sure you know that a certain emotion is trying to be conveyed. It seems sort of bolted on. Maybe it's because emotions can't (or haven't been) conveyed while the CG is saying the script ? In a sense, all the faces have been treated with botox. Especially the eyes and the corners of the mouths are fairly expressionless. Maybe I'm being unfair to the animation. It's a good effort. But the dialogue and style just seems more manga than western, for better or worse.I've actually just recently watched the hidden fortess, and many people in ST4 all seem to be as angry as many people in H.F.Let's not be overly critical. The entire ST4 films "special" effects are infinitely better than the final mech-warrior scene from ST3. It honestly is fairly stunning computer graphics, but could have done with real actors. The last 25 minutes or so of the film are quite spectacular.There is a line of dialogue at the very end which is very much in keeping with the hidden fortress theme. H.F. has a song, which most western audiences would think has pretty dismal lyrics. ST4 also has a fairly downbeat line at the end of it.It's much more starship troopers meets halo: final fantasy edition. that's a much more accurate title.
Allen Cheng Starship troopers returns with much more faith to the novel.Humanity is still fighting their war against overwhelming swarms of the bugs or "Pseudo-Arachnids, battling them in Exo-powered suits and other feat of military technological advancement much as what Robert Heinleins describe in his book. Fans and those who have seen the past films will appreciate and enjoy a generous face lift of the Starship troopers universe in CGI than its live-action predecessors, with the return of their favorite characters since the 1997 film. However this film may cause confusion to those who haven't read the book and watched the past films or the Starship Troopers: Roughneck TV show. With their lack of understanding of the film or the Starship troopers universe, they may not like the weak story and some what a cliff-hanger ending but this was designed to open the audience to a possible sequel to which most fans anticipate.Verdict: Fans will enjoy this film while non-fans you might want to get acquainted with the Starship Troopers first. I am happy this film did good for the Starhip Troopers universe and waiting for the sequel.
cedde6 There is here very little added to Paul Verhoeven's misunderstood masterpiece. In fact the Johnny Rico, Carmen Ibanez and Carl Jenkins characters and even Basil Poledouris's theme tune are all back to join in a new group of tough-as-nail marines sent to rescue the survivors of Fort Casey and destroy the bug hive upon which the fort has been built. I won't be revealing too much by saying that things won't go according to plan and they'll end up trying to prevent a bug invasion on Earth.This Japanese take on Robert A. Heinlein mythology more or less try to replicate Verhoeven's 1994 blockbuster with mixed results. It is action packed, standing proudly shoulders to shoulders with the crazy Dutchman in terms of violence, and with barely no slowing down in the pace. Needless to say, the notion of characterization is here merely academic which I don't think was the point of the film to begin with so that can be excused I suppose. However this makes this movie a confusing experience at times for so many male characters actually looking very much alike while sharing a similar type of voice.But for me, the main let down however reside in the fact that I couldn't shake the impression of watching a video game with its many levels: a very brief explanation of the mission is followed by a shooting session to the next brief explanation of the next mission and so on and so forth, making the feeble attempts of humanization of its synthetic characters laughable.In the end, the resulting piece becomes a series of interchangeable battles devoid of any emotional impact. At best, it might entertain a certain target audience for a short while but I wage it will certainly be quickly forgotten by almost everyone.