Death Train
Death Train
R | 14 April 1993 (USA)
Death Train Trailers

When a renegade Russian general sends a nuclear bomb hurtling toward the Middle East aboard a hijacked train, special agents are dispatched to disarm the deadly device. Ten tons of steel and one ounce of hot plutonium are now riding roughshod through Europe. With time running out, the agents launch a desperate, bullet-packed assault on a deadly moving target piloted by a cold-blooded mercenary.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
raypdaley182 It might have been made for TV but it's certainly not your standard made for TV fodder.Firstly let's talk about the cast. Christopher Lee - Movie Superstar of Hammer Films. Patrick Stewart, star of TV, stage and cinema. Pierce Brosnan, Movie Superstar. Alexandra Paul, of TV's Baywatch.Ted Levine I thought was someone else, I mistook him for Martin Mull.The basic idea is good enough, someone steals some plutonium, builds 2 bombs, put 1 on hijacked train travelling across Europe and involve a rogue Russian General trying to restart the ghosts of the Cold War.Christopher Lee plays the rogue Russian General extremely well, you can tell he's playing by his own rules.Patrick Stewart is playing a pretty standard role for him here, it's an authority figure in command. Someone had obviously seen him in Star Trek and thought of him for this role. They maybe also saw him in this which made them think of him for X-men.Brosnan plays his basic action man role but also has a streak of lovable impish rogue to Alexandra Paul's very straight laced role. We have a Russian traitor in the unit which smacks of hatred for the old enemy, sadly it seems from the US film industry no matter how friendly The West is with The Russians their never far from detecting Reds Under The Bed.There's lots of good action, helicopters chasing trains. Defusing bombs. Slightly rubbish mercenaries.Overall the film is really good and exceeds the usual fair of Made For TV. Well worth a look if you haven't seen it and stands up to several viewings as well.
johnny-08 "Death Train" is not that bad.You can watch it easily but you can't expect anything from this movie.Big stars are joined in this one,such as Pierce Brosnan,Patrick Stewart and Christopher Lee.This movie isn't good but it isn't bad too.Somewhere stuck in the middle.I know the film locations so it's a bit interesting to watch the movie and realize that movie stars of this class where in your country.It's not that usual to see Brosnan,Stewart and Lee in Croatia and I think that they all did good job.Most of them did this because of money but hey isn't that what all people do?I realize that there are lots of mistakes in this movie and that plot is quite stupid but try to turn off for a 90 min. and just watch the movie.It will work,just don't think about reality of the situation because there aren't any.But we've got excellent male actors in this movie and everybody knows about them.But they have to act sometimes in movies like this.5/10
j-lacerra This could have been a passable movie if peopled by unknowns. But, when one sees the names Pierce Brosnan, Patrick Stewart, and Christopher Lee a certain quality expectation develops, and Death Train does not deliver.There is virtually no chemistry between the characters of Mike, Philpott, and Sabrina. Alexandra Paul could not have been less convincing if she had tried, and she is just not attractive enough to carry the role on looks. You never for one minute believe Brosnan as the super-expert operative (ala Commando). He simply cannot pull this off. And the character does nothing to prove me wrong as he ham-handedly muddles through his assignment. Ted Levine is also miscast as a good ole boy terrorist. Stewart plays Philpott well enough, but Philpott is no Jean Luc Picard! Only Lee emerges unscathed by this turkey. His Russian general is aptly emotionless, cunning, and clinical; ya gotta love 'im! Pass on this one, folks.
wildhawk Even if there had not been stars like Stewart and Brosnan, the movie would have been a great disappointment. To be precise, this is the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen. Want examples? 1. I've never seen such lame "action" scenes (even if the train had stopped at every single station along the way, there would not have been so many people shuffling back and forth as the accumulated number of entries and exits by the SWAT team, not to mention their really "excellent" shooting skills). 2. Really lame German cops. They may not be as flashy as a U.S. SWAT team, but they are NOT dumb! 3. At the Zagreb station, when the Baywatch babe finds out about the Russian's phone call, there is an announcement in the background calling for people to board a FLIGHT (even in Croatia, airplanes do not land at train stations....) 4. In one scene, a guy on the bad Russian's team talks Croatian for a few sentences, then switches to Russian. 5. The modified camera had a fully automatic, built-in transmitter to GNN headquarters, can you get me one of these? 6. One of my favorites: The German dispatcher has absolutely no problems fumbling with the Swiss, Italian, Slovenian and Croatian railway systems. They can all be controlled via his computer. Can you get me on of these? 7. Whatever the Baywatch babe fires her gas grenades from, that's not an M203. 8. It's pretty hard to hit a window on a moving train with unguided rockets fired from a helicopter. (...)Oh Jean-Luc, what have they paid you for this? If I had to guess, I 'd say a billion dollars....