Lasko - Death Train
Lasko - Death Train
| 16 March 2006 (USA)
Lasko - Death Train Trailers

A peace-seeking monk must save a train full of pilgrims from terrorists intending to unleash a deadly virus.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
silvrdal Even though I'm not Catholic, I weary of movies that bash them or portray their clergy or adherents in the worst possible light. 'Lasko: Death Train' is charmingly pro-Catholic, and a lot of fun.What could be more enjoyable for Catholic 9 to 15-year olds than to see kung-fu monks try and stop mercenaries from distributing a deadly stolen virus on a train of pilgrims bound for Lourdes to see the Pope? For what it is, this movie is relatively safe for young people -- only a smidgen of vulgar language, very little blood, and nothing prurient. Classroom teachers should feel pretty safe about showing it to students. The editing, music, cinematography, pacing, etc. are all very good. Okay, so the dialogue sounds like it came out a Japanese animated film at times, but kids won't care. There won't be anything new here for action flick fans, but what is here is handled carefully and done well.I liked it. Kids will enjoy it, too.
lastliberal I have to think hard here. have I seen another action film about a train that poses a threat to the world if it is not stopped? Is there another train film where all of the passengers are threatened? Hmm, I just watched Midnight Meat train and Night Train Murders. Those certainly had some real terror on the train.If you have seen Steven Segal's film where he tried to stop the bad guys on a train, you have seen this one. I seem to recall that Jean Claude even did one called Derailed. There was even another 2001 film called Death Train set in Mexico.We have been trained to death and I don't think we need another. This was mildly interesting. We did have the daughter of the devil dressed as a nun. A little nunsploitation there.There was also the cute kid angle, and the soldier who was tired of war and became a monk. Didn't Rambo do that, too? I enjoyed Stephan Bieker, but that was the only character that interested me. There was good stunt work, lots of explosions and some good martial arts action, but that doesn't compensate for a poor script, and we've seen it all beforeSecret agents for God? Give me a break.
sealyme01 It's not a terrible film. It just isn't that good either. The constant slow-motion throughout every action sequence was incredibly frustrating. The scenes were a bit disjointed at time: just as I thought a scene was actually going to add something useful to the story, it'd jump to another little snippet. In saying that though there were some entertaining moments and hey, who doesn't find kung-fu religion-protecting monks entertaining?Other than being a little frustrating with just how much better the movie could've been given the reasonable-ish story line and the odd explosion, not too bad a movie. Worth watching if you're procrastinating from doing more useful things
Dragonfly7 It's sad but true, this movie is just a waste of money. Don't get me wrong, I've seen movies which were far more worse. But this flick is just poorly written and badly directed. The action and fight scenes look cheap and most of the acting is poor, due to the actors or the director I can't decide. There are only two reasons to watch this movie - Steve Nicolson and Arnold Vosloo. No outstanding performances, the script is simply to mediocre for that, but both deliver their parts dependably and professional. If you like these two actors and don't expect too much, you'll be entertained anyhow. But make sure, you have enough Chips or Popcorn with you, in case that you get bored.